Business & Finance Careers & Employment

Work From Home, The Questions And The Answers

1. You only

If you need some kind of social interaction in your life, working from home is not for you.For people who enjoy their solitude is perfect but if you need face to face relationships entrablar daily may be better to work in a company.

Working from home can be an issue really lonely at times, and even chat or Twitter are going to meet that need.

2. There are too many distractions

If you live alone no problem, disconnect the phone, close the chat application and you're ready to pay to stop at home. But if you live with your parents, you have a family or floor Compartis things change, let alone if you have kids. Prepare to constant interruptions that will not let you pay like you're in an office. The rest of the people in your house, do you realize you're actually working, and will not respect your space and not your (necessary) concentration. Just think, "As you have no time" can interrupt at any time because "and then finish it." Consequently, to bother you any bullshit.

This is a bad culture, it is still so rare that people teleworking is not aware of the necessary discipline required. Neither the teleworker is aware, why could it be the environment?.

To avoid this problem you must, first, to inform people living with you if you need a space distraction, if therefore you get a separate room dedicated to it much better. Put a sign on the door!.

3. Requires Discipline

As I said before, hardly anyone is aware of the discipline "extra" required homework.Although you do not like what you will always be motivated to do so. Whether it makes a wonderful day for a long walk with your dog, or because there is an interesting conference, there will be days when you feel like anything but go to work.

If you are a disciplined person, able to organize your time will not have problems, but if you are someone who need someone to remind you of your duties you will meet a serious difficulty. There, at home, are you and the boss, or you impose a discipline that do not break or you'll last a month.

4. You're always on the same site

One of the advantages of working for a company is that your office is anywhere but home. And this separation is good in several respects.

The first is that it allows your body and mind associated with office work, and your home with pleasure and relaxation. Curious is not it?. When you work at home, unless you have a room "to work" this emotional detachment does not happen and they tend to dissociate. The most important thing is that no "disconnect" thinking work you have to make the food or the child will be well cared for, and you "relax" you left thinking 'there alongside' the blog of your customer unfinished customize some code or half closed.This is a permanent source of stress sometimes affect your ability to sleep. There will be days when you get up from bed to finish that grips you code while you fight with the pillow.

In addition, it can be somewhat monotonous work always in the same place. If the advantage of your work is that your computer is your office take advantage of it!. Go to a Starbucks or the library of your people, where there is a wireless network that allows you to continue working but in a different environment. In my case, fortunately, there is a caf with terrace in a park that has access and is often a breath of fresh air in those spring days that turns uphill work at home. Of course, this may alleviate the problem but not solved at all.

If one day prosperous enough, it is best you rent an office and "go to work" to your space. Break with the idea of "work at home" but is much healthier

5. It's hard to explain what you do

Really, I wish you the best of luck in trying to explain to others what you do at home. For most people just will be a nerd, a geek who earns about EUR doing 'nosequ' from home. For my friends, my job (if you can call it) online is the envy of most of the time, but only by the theory of "make money without leaving home." Apart from my closest circle, other people do not understand very well as can be seen to be working at a computer writing blogs, uploading files to a server, modifying or setting code websites. They just do not seem to work.

Of course, I do not care too much, just do it, but sometimes embarrassing and requires further explanation if, for example, work in the accounting department of a company.That if they understand it, the other will make you waste time explaining to you and makes you disconnect from your work online.

Of course, there is something more delicate situations. And when you do exclusively to telework, if you're a Web entrepreneur, will cost you convince the bank to give you credit, and more if you have steady income, if you rely on projects.


1. Flexibility

Perhaps most appealing, the biggest advantage of working from home is the flexibility it allows. First thing you do, or nearly so, will disconnect the alarm clock will cease to exist for a project unless you have some very definite times, and short.

You can work when you want and how you want, and if the task is not gripping you in a matter of time you spend today, for example, to visit a museum.

Do you like working in your pajamas?. So perfect. Working at home you can listen to Heavy Metal Volume cap while doing your homework. Attack!.

In fact, some people are more productive at night, me for example, and only for this work from home can be a blessing. Additionally, you have virtually no interruptions.

2. You have no boss

Theoretically. I say this because your boss is your customer. That if you do not have someone soplndote behind the ear to see you're doing (except maybe your dog if you want to go for a walk).

Not having a boss, someone apremindote by the completion of a task for which you have already defined their time is really stressful. This does not mean that you still have to be responsible and organized, but you are who defines the timing and organization of work.

3. It is healthy

If you like sports or long walks, working from home will allow you to something that the marathon office working hours do not usually allow. When you organize your work you can spend that part of the day that you most want to do your favorite sport, improving your health. And is that trying to make a sport at the end of the working day is usually not a good idea, your energy level is low and usually more relaxation you seek the effort.

Another factor that contributes to your health when you work at home is diet. No one is aware that the food at home is much healthier than high calorie menus in restaurants work. You buy what you eat and are usually combined nutrients better.

4. More family time

There comes a time in life when your family becomes your main priority. I do not mean your parents but to your own family, your ways. This often hooking up with business needs, seeking the highest performance and dedication, often in spite of your family life.

Although Western culture is increasingly promoting the reconciliation of work and family life is still an achievement, there are many bad vices that destroy. The current reality is that if you want to thrive professionally in a company must take time and dedication to your family.

When you work at home this changes, not only because the environment but do not go out because you eat with your family, eat breakfast with them, share school activities for children, you can help in their studies, etc. All this favors the family relationship and makes you happier.

5. You work where you want

When you work on your own can actually do it anywhere, especially if your work is tied to a computer.

No matter if I'm visiting friends in Bilbao (promise to return soon, if you are reading me), or go a few days the people of your parents, or you go to visit a fair. In my case, my Macbook with me wherever I go and if I have to do a job where I connect just find me.

You can literally move anywhere in the world and you can continue to make your job that no longer depends on a particular physical location. Your online environment allows you to continue exercising your activity where there is an available connection. Your customers do not have to know if you're finishing your project in the attic of your home, hotel or lying on a beach.

In conclusion

The decision to work on your own, if you have that possibility, you should not leave it for later. It's actually easier to work for a company in an office to do telework, entrepreneurship on your own. If you're thinking jump in! Not wait any longer! Do it now!.Whether you get to make a lifelong career or not, the experience gained will help you appreciate more what you are.

I though long ago I had to stop work at home exclusively, not disdain the idea of doing it again. Meanwhile I am combining tasks for a company in an office and work from home at my own pace, hoping to finish by providing a future of what we already experienced so much satisfaction and that meant me and challenges, working from home.

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