Your Half Hour Walk Doesn"t Equal Brownie
Here's something shocking.
A little weight loss secret that will blow your mind.
You have been lied to my friend.
In fact... If you're an obsessive calorie counter then it's guaranteed... You will struggle with your weight for a long, long time.
In this article I will tell you why. The exact reason all your calorie counting has been a useless waste of your time. Of your energy.
And I'm going to make the most stunning guarantee you've ever heard...
If you read every word of this article and listen to exactly what I say, then your weight loss will become inexplicably easier. Overnight!
Let's begin...
I believe I can pretty much jump right inside your head and sum-up your whole approach to weight management.
It probably goes something like this... you are desperate to lose weight. You wonder why everything you eat tends to go to your hips... even though you obsess over what you eat. Count the calories. Eliminate the fat grams. Buy those "lean" meals. And exercise.
Truth is... you've probably just recently... within the past few days... eaten a lunch that had you beating yourself up. Wondering why on earth you ate all those calories.
And to remedy the problem and alleviate the guilt, you slapped on your exercise gear, jumped on the treadmill, and proceeded to melt those calories off for the next thirty minutes.
And that's your problem.
You believe that calories going in equal calories comming out.
That if you eat a 500 calorie fast food lunch... then all you have to do is melt away 500 calories on the treadmill and you won't get fatter.
What a lie!
Here's why. One of the greatest secrets to losing weight is that all calories are NOT created equal.
Let's take a brownie for instance. That brownie is loaded with refined white sugar and other garb. If you "whipped" a batch up using a box of mix you purchased at the store... then that "other garb" has been heavily processed. You basically have a concoction of refined sugar (the greatest fat producer known to man) and other fat producing, "man-made" additives.
Let's say the brownie is 300 calories.
Those 300 calories enter your body and and are quickly absorbed into your blood stream.
The refined additives have already set off an unimaginable amount of unnatural chemical reactions in your body that are scientifically proven to deplete, destroy and run your metabolism into the ground.
In other words... that brownie has created a situation that can't be "burned off". NO matter how long you walk on the treadmill!
Now. One refined brownie probably won't hurt a thing. But eat enough of them over time... and losing weight gets much harder! And that my friend is why everything you eat tends to go to your hips... even though you obsess over what you eat. Count the calories. Eliminate the fat grams. Buy those "lean" meals. And exercise.
The food you're buying is infected and no amount of exercise can "cure" it.
Here's how you make losing weight much much easier...
You STOP thinking in terms of "calories" and start thinking in terms of calorie "TYPE".
This means maybe that brownie isn't the worst thing in the world... provided it's 100% organic. Completely natural.
And maybe you really can eat pasta as long as it's not the typical "refined" variety... as long as it's completely natural whole grain.
Just food for though.
A little weight loss secret that will blow your mind.
You have been lied to my friend.
In fact... If you're an obsessive calorie counter then it's guaranteed... You will struggle with your weight for a long, long time.
In this article I will tell you why. The exact reason all your calorie counting has been a useless waste of your time. Of your energy.
And I'm going to make the most stunning guarantee you've ever heard...
If you read every word of this article and listen to exactly what I say, then your weight loss will become inexplicably easier. Overnight!
Let's begin...
I believe I can pretty much jump right inside your head and sum-up your whole approach to weight management.
It probably goes something like this... you are desperate to lose weight. You wonder why everything you eat tends to go to your hips... even though you obsess over what you eat. Count the calories. Eliminate the fat grams. Buy those "lean" meals. And exercise.
Truth is... you've probably just recently... within the past few days... eaten a lunch that had you beating yourself up. Wondering why on earth you ate all those calories.
And to remedy the problem and alleviate the guilt, you slapped on your exercise gear, jumped on the treadmill, and proceeded to melt those calories off for the next thirty minutes.
And that's your problem.
You believe that calories going in equal calories comming out.
That if you eat a 500 calorie fast food lunch... then all you have to do is melt away 500 calories on the treadmill and you won't get fatter.
What a lie!
Here's why. One of the greatest secrets to losing weight is that all calories are NOT created equal.
Let's take a brownie for instance. That brownie is loaded with refined white sugar and other garb. If you "whipped" a batch up using a box of mix you purchased at the store... then that "other garb" has been heavily processed. You basically have a concoction of refined sugar (the greatest fat producer known to man) and other fat producing, "man-made" additives.
Let's say the brownie is 300 calories.
Those 300 calories enter your body and and are quickly absorbed into your blood stream.
The refined additives have already set off an unimaginable amount of unnatural chemical reactions in your body that are scientifically proven to deplete, destroy and run your metabolism into the ground.
In other words... that brownie has created a situation that can't be "burned off". NO matter how long you walk on the treadmill!
Now. One refined brownie probably won't hurt a thing. But eat enough of them over time... and losing weight gets much harder! And that my friend is why everything you eat tends to go to your hips... even though you obsess over what you eat. Count the calories. Eliminate the fat grams. Buy those "lean" meals. And exercise.
The food you're buying is infected and no amount of exercise can "cure" it.
Here's how you make losing weight much much easier...
You STOP thinking in terms of "calories" and start thinking in terms of calorie "TYPE".
This means maybe that brownie isn't the worst thing in the world... provided it's 100% organic. Completely natural.
And maybe you really can eat pasta as long as it's not the typical "refined" variety... as long as it's completely natural whole grain.
Just food for though.