Home & Garden Do It Yourself

Make a Small Solar Panel -The Most Critical Requirement!

If you want to make a small solar panel for your home, then you must have this critical requirement...

A SOLID do it yourself solar panel plan that will help you every step of the way. Too many beginners are wasting their time and money on mediocre manuals and this problem is really getting out of hand!

We novices should be extra careful when looking for one of those make a small solar panel manuals. A few weeks back, I experienced what I call a 'solar DIY disaster'.

Here's what happened...

I bought a 10 dollar PDF guide from a DIY website. Now, the site claimed that the guide was jam-packed with novice friendly, step-by-step instructions on how to make a small solar panel.

Alright so I downloaded the guide and I had the SHOCK of my life!

The guide was absolutely horrible!

The instructions were not presented in a step-by-step fashion at all! The assembling description was so vague - I can't believe I wasted 10 bucks for this poorly written junk!

Fast forward a couple of weeks later - I finally constructed a small solar panel with my own two hands. I'm 100% satisfied and it's all due to this critical requirement...

I mentioned a SOLID do it yourself solar panel plan and I can't stress this enough. Without a solid plan, we novices will surely fail to make a small solar panel.

So what is a "SOLID" plan?

Okay, a solid DIY solar panel plan must include video instructions. Without a doubt, clearly explained video-based instructions are critical to our success.

Once you've made that first panel via video instructions, the next ones would be so much easier. Apart from videos, a solid DIY plan has to include the proper panel layout figures and worksheets so you can easily build your first panel without compromising functionality.

The videos showed me exactly how to make a small solar panel with the following items:

1) Blocking Diodes
2) Flux Pen
3) Plexiglass
4) Plywood Panel
5) Silicon Sealant
6) Solar Cells
7) Solder
8) Steel Screws
9) UV Paint
10) Wire

Ready to make a small solar panel [http://www.articlesbase.com/diy-articles/make-a-small-solar-panel-the-most-critical-requirement-1821964.html] for your home?

Download step-by-step video tutorials and some manuals with photos to help you get started. Follow this link for complete download details: http://www.howtobuildyourownsolarpanel.com/

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