Energy Efficiency Grant Programs
- The Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant is a program launched as a part of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act in 2009 to help the economy recover from recession. The U.S. Department of Energy states that the program will provide $3.2 billion of grant funding to states, local governments, counties and others parties with the goal of reducing fossil fuel emissions, total energy consumption and to create and retain jobs.
- The Weatherization Assistance Program is another grant program run by the U.S. Department of Energy that provides funds to low-income families for energy-efficient home upgrades, which can reduce energy bills. The U.S. Department of Energy states that the program has provided weatherization services to more than 6.4 million low income households over time and typically saves families $437 a year in energy costs.
- Sustainable Energy Resources for Consumers Grants are fund provided to local weatherization agencies to improve the energy efficiency of consumers. The program was launched in August 2010 and is designed to grant energy-efficient upgrades such as solar electricity, wind power and hot water heating technologies to people that would not normally be covered the under the traditional Weatherization Assistance Program.
- A variety of tax credits are available to consumers that make certain energy efficient upgrades to their homes. Tax credits are similar to grants in that the full amount of any credit is subtracted from the taxes you owe, which can result in substantial savings. ENERGY STAR states that in the 2011 credits of up to $500 are available on upgrades such as insulation, while certain upgrades such as solar panels and water heaters are eligible for credits of 30 percent of the cost of the upgrade.