Fat Removal Surgery
We arent all lucky enough to have the perfectly sculptured bodies of gods and goddesses. Some of us face a lifelong battle against the bulge and traditional weight loss methods such as reducing your food intake, plenty of exercise and dieting does not always shift stubborn fat from specific areas. Liposuction is not a weight loss procedure but can help with these problem areas.
Recent research indicates that there has been a rise in the number of Britons going under the knife to improve their appearance. Data from the British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons (BAAPS) shows 38,274 surgical procedures were carried out in 2010 up five per cent on the previous year.
In addition, the celebrity craze for revealing dresses has led to a rush of women having fat-loss surgery on their backs. The fashion, flaunted by X Factor stunner Cheryl Cole, has seen liposuction operations on backs jump by 54 per cent. It is now the most popular body area for lipo ahead of stomachs and thighs. The most treatments are on infra scapular fat, which is the area under the bra strap, and posterior waist fat, basically love handles which create a muffin top.
Fat removal reduces the number of fat cells and sculpts the body into contours you thought could never be achieved. It can help restore any lost confidence and can help bring back a beautiful body shape that you simply must show off a holiday stroll down the beach in your bikini will no longer feel like your worst nightmare. Removing these pockets of fat can also help clothes fit better which can lead to the appearance of weight loss. The procedure is popular for both men and women of all ages and works best when you are at your optimum weight.
Liposuction is a great last resort option for those who have tried everything to improve problem areas to little success, and is easily available from reputable providers. Surgery can give you a much-needed initial step on the ladder to get yourself ahead, although post-surgery patients are required to stick to a healthy eating plan and exercise regime to make sure that the results arent undone.
( A sensible diet and vigorous exercise doesnt always shift stubborn areas of fat. Liposuction can help bring back confidence and a beautiful body shape. By removing fat and reducing the number of fat cells it sculpts the body into contours you thought could never be achieved.
Liposuction is not a weight loss procedure and actually achieves the best results when you are at your optimum weight. Removing stubborn pockets of fat can help clothes fit better which can lead to the appearance of weight loss. Several areas can be treated at once and liposuction is often performed alongside another procedure. For example it is common to have a tummy tuck and liposuction performed at the same time. This procedure is popular for both men and women of all ages.
Liposuction is performed under local or general anaesthetic. The most popular areas are the abdomen, thighs, hips, buttocks and knees. Through tiny incisions in the skin a hollow tube, or cannula is inserted and the fat is broken down with fluid before being removed by a syringe or vacuum pump. The procedure can last approximately 30 minutes to 2 hours, depending on the technique and the extent of the surgery and how many areas are being treated.
You will probably need a few days off work to recover however this does depending on the extent of surgery more time may be needed. You will notice that after the procedure the areas that were operated on will be bruised and swollen and this can last a few weeks. It is important that a suitable support or compression garment is worn for at least a month after the procedure as this helps to reduce the swelling. You will not be able to exercise for at least a couple of weeks. )
Recent research indicates that there has been a rise in the number of Britons going under the knife to improve their appearance. Data from the British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons (BAAPS) shows 38,274 surgical procedures were carried out in 2010 up five per cent on the previous year.
In addition, the celebrity craze for revealing dresses has led to a rush of women having fat-loss surgery on their backs. The fashion, flaunted by X Factor stunner Cheryl Cole, has seen liposuction operations on backs jump by 54 per cent. It is now the most popular body area for lipo ahead of stomachs and thighs. The most treatments are on infra scapular fat, which is the area under the bra strap, and posterior waist fat, basically love handles which create a muffin top.
Fat removal reduces the number of fat cells and sculpts the body into contours you thought could never be achieved. It can help restore any lost confidence and can help bring back a beautiful body shape that you simply must show off a holiday stroll down the beach in your bikini will no longer feel like your worst nightmare. Removing these pockets of fat can also help clothes fit better which can lead to the appearance of weight loss. The procedure is popular for both men and women of all ages and works best when you are at your optimum weight.
Liposuction is a great last resort option for those who have tried everything to improve problem areas to little success, and is easily available from reputable providers. Surgery can give you a much-needed initial step on the ladder to get yourself ahead, although post-surgery patients are required to stick to a healthy eating plan and exercise regime to make sure that the results arent undone.
( A sensible diet and vigorous exercise doesnt always shift stubborn areas of fat. Liposuction can help bring back confidence and a beautiful body shape. By removing fat and reducing the number of fat cells it sculpts the body into contours you thought could never be achieved.
Liposuction is not a weight loss procedure and actually achieves the best results when you are at your optimum weight. Removing stubborn pockets of fat can help clothes fit better which can lead to the appearance of weight loss. Several areas can be treated at once and liposuction is often performed alongside another procedure. For example it is common to have a tummy tuck and liposuction performed at the same time. This procedure is popular for both men and women of all ages.
Liposuction is performed under local or general anaesthetic. The most popular areas are the abdomen, thighs, hips, buttocks and knees. Through tiny incisions in the skin a hollow tube, or cannula is inserted and the fat is broken down with fluid before being removed by a syringe or vacuum pump. The procedure can last approximately 30 minutes to 2 hours, depending on the technique and the extent of the surgery and how many areas are being treated.
You will probably need a few days off work to recover however this does depending on the extent of surgery more time may be needed. You will notice that after the procedure the areas that were operated on will be bruised and swollen and this can last a few weeks. It is important that a suitable support or compression garment is worn for at least a month after the procedure as this helps to reduce the swelling. You will not be able to exercise for at least a couple of weeks. )