Best Cash Back Credit Cards Today
When in the market to find a new credit card, you're going to find that there are so many cards out there.
From saving on gas to getting a percentage donated to your favorite charity, it's no wonder why most people get confused when looking to choose from over 5,000 credit cards.
Today, I'm going to talk about my favorite type of card and how it benefits me from every day spending.
The type of credit card I love to use is a cash back card.
This type of card will allow me to get a certain percentage back on the spending I do every day.
Some cards will give you cash back while others will give you "points".
While there's no difference, the points simply will be cashed in for gift cards, airline tickets, etc.
They are just as good as cash.
The card I like to use right now allows me to get points.
Every time I spend a dollar, I'll get a point.
If I spend a dollar at the grocery store, drug store or gas station, I'll get 3 points per that dollar.
That's how most of these cards work.
I'll be able to get more points at some places encouraging me to use it.
Every time I get a point, I'll then be able to spend it at the card's store.
The particular card I use usually requires me to get at least 1,000 - 2,000 points before I can redeem it for something good like a $50 gift card, etc.
As long as you're disciplined with your card and pay it off on time, in full, you can really take advantage of these reward cards.
From saving on gas to getting a percentage donated to your favorite charity, it's no wonder why most people get confused when looking to choose from over 5,000 credit cards.
Today, I'm going to talk about my favorite type of card and how it benefits me from every day spending.
The type of credit card I love to use is a cash back card.
This type of card will allow me to get a certain percentage back on the spending I do every day.
Some cards will give you cash back while others will give you "points".
While there's no difference, the points simply will be cashed in for gift cards, airline tickets, etc.
They are just as good as cash.
The card I like to use right now allows me to get points.
Every time I spend a dollar, I'll get a point.
If I spend a dollar at the grocery store, drug store or gas station, I'll get 3 points per that dollar.
That's how most of these cards work.
I'll be able to get more points at some places encouraging me to use it.
Every time I get a point, I'll then be able to spend it at the card's store.
The particular card I use usually requires me to get at least 1,000 - 2,000 points before I can redeem it for something good like a $50 gift card, etc.
As long as you're disciplined with your card and pay it off on time, in full, you can really take advantage of these reward cards.