Health & Medical Hearing

Need a Tinnitus Cure? Some People Might Tell You to Stick a Needle in It!

Tinnitus is a condition that causes a ringing of the ears.
This ringing, however, is completely internal.
Others do not hear this sound.
It is known to be caused by damage to the microscopic hairs that line the auditory cells in the ear.
These hairs detect sound waves and move in response to the sound which produces a brain wave that is experienced as sound.
These hairs become bent or broken and move sporadically in a persistent state of irritation.
This will produce sound impulses to the brain which is the ringing in ear sounds you hear! You may have wondered if there is a cure for this disorder.
Many think that acupuncture may be the answer! Acupuncture has been used to treat tinnitus in Asia for hundreds of years but is a fairly new tinnitus cure in the Western Hemisphere.
If you are thinking of trying acupuncture for tinnitus relief, you should understand that the process can take several sessions before your symptoms improve.
You should also be aware that needles will be places in various locations around your ear.
You may also want to find a specialist that uses massage in conjunction with acupuncture to get the most optimum results.
Some people find that acupuncture is great at relieving their tinnitus, others may only receive mild relief.
There are some that have tried acupuncture and have not showed signs of any relief at all! The best way to get the relief you need may include acupuncture or may not.

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