Health & Medical Nutrition

Bad Food Habits: Is This What We Teach Our Kids?

You just finished dressing up and you glance at your wall clock. It says 7 o'clock and you don't have time for breakfast anymore. Your kids don't have time for breakfast as well - so you all head into the car and drive off to school and work. Anyway, you always have your morning break and your kids have their recess. You tell them to eat well during recess and lunch as you drop them off.

It's lunch time already, and you're not even close to hungry. You take out a bag of chips or maybe a snack bar and you chug down some diet soda - then you go back to work. Do you ever think about what your kids are eating - if they've been doing the same thing as you are?

Now after work - your kids have martial arts practice and you need to pick up the laundry before you head home. Not enough time to prepare dinner. While you think about what to have for dinner, your kids are starving - so they munch on some candy bars and soda from the gym's snack dispenser. Finally they're done, and you're done deciding what to have for dinner as well. You call in to order some pizza, so it'll be ready after you drop by from the cleaners. Happy and quick dinner for everyone.

Sounds familiar? If it is, then you are one among the numerous Americans who choose to spend their day (and their meals) like this. We constantly rush from point a to point b as if life is a race, and all we care about is getting there. With that, we pay no attention to proper eating and nutrition, just as long as we get them quick and fast. This may seem convenient to us, but sometimes we never realize that in doing so, we're also teaching our children the very same habit.

We come across all these articles telling us the importance of proper nutrition and healthy living - but we don't put that into action. Then, we wonder why our kids are pale or sickly or less healthy. Of course, they live in a stress filled world without any exercise or good eating habits.

As parents, it is important to stop for awhile and take time to teach our children. We place prime importance on family values, work ethics, good morals and the like. But what good are these things if our children cannot even take car of themselves? We prepare them mentally for a good life ahead, but how can they enjoy that kind of life if they grow up unhealthy?

So, now, try to take some time to improve your food choices. Put in more time to prepare your meals. Take time to teach your kids the importance of nutritional value in food without looking for convenience. Teach them before its too late.

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