Health & Medical Infectious Diseases

What Are the Side Effects of MRSA?

    Types of Symptoms

    • The first symptoms or side effects of MRSA include red bumps that look like pimples. In some patients, the rash worsens, becoming deep, infected sores.

    Risk Factors

    • Outside of a hospital or health care setting, certain people are more vulnerable to MRSA infections, including children, athletes involved in contact sports and patients with a weakened immune system from conditions like HIV, according to the Mayo Clinic.


    • In some patients, the MRSA infection spreads to the bones, bloodstream, heart or lungs, where it can become life-threatening.


    • In order to diagnose MRSA, doctors utilize tissue samples or a swab of nasal secretions. These samples are sent away for testing for staph bacteria.


    • Intravenous or oral antibiotics are the most common treatments for MRSA.

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