Chocolate Cyst - Lifestyle Changes to Help Avoid Surgery
Many people will be asking what is a chocolate cyst.
I had never heard of one until I worked with a girl who suffered the most terrible period pains ever and would sometimes almost faint with the pain.
Unfortunately by the time she was diagnosed, her cyst had reached the size of a large grapefruit and complications had set in and damaged one of her ovaries.
Since she was only in her early twenties, this was a considerable blow to her.
So what is a chocolate cyst and how does it get its name? Chocolate cysts are derived from a condition called endometriosis and it affects women during their child bearing years.
It occurs when the endometriosis,or lining of the uterus, detaches itself and begins to grow outside of the uterus.
This lining or tissue can then implant itself anywhere within the abdominal cavity.
The endometriosis may invade the ovary, producing blood filled cysts called endometriomas.
Over time this blood darkens and becomes thick and sticky almost like chocolate, hence the term "chocolate cyst".
The cysts can vary in size from a small pea to the size of a grapefruit.
Endometriosis varies considerably from one person to another and whilst some women will not suffer any pain, others like my friend are doubled up each month with pain.
Endometriosis can irritate surrounding areas and cause scar tissue to be formed, which in turn can merge with all of the pelvic organs and even cover them completely, which may cause damage and infertility.
A chocolate cyst can only be accurately diagnosed by means of a laparoscopy and a surgeon can actually treat the endometriosis during this process by cutting away the diseased tissue and draining the cysts.
Unfortunately an over enthusiastic surgeon can sometimes remove too much healthy tissue which can have a detrimental effect on fertility.
Alternatively, and depending upon the size of the cyst, doctors may prescribe a course of hormone tablets to simulate either pregnancy or menopause which are the conditions that are known to slow down endometriomas and means they will not keep growing during each menstrual cycle.
It will also reduce the size of the endometriosis tissue over time.
There are a number of proven natural and non surgical treatments that a woman can implement herself, which all help to shrink the cyst and alleviate the pain.
These consist of a combination of such things are dietary changes, nutrient support and stress management.
Dietary changes.
It is important to cut back on fat levels since any fact stored in the body produces a haven for the production of estrogen, which if left untreated will further throw the menstrual cycle in chaos.
So it is recommended to cut out dairy, beef and chicken and increase nutrient rich food such as green vegetables, soy, cold water fish and fibre, which will all help to balance the hormones and remove excess estrogen from the body.
Try also to eat more oily fish such as salmon, tuna and halibut, which contains omega 3 that acts a natural anti-inflammatory.
There are a wide variety of vitamins and minerals that can be used to help top up any deficiencies in your everyday diet such as calcium and magnesium whilst herbal teas, such as camomile or mint tea,can be a great comfort too, since they contain calming and soothing properties.
It is known that emotions can play a large part in creating the growth of ovarian cysts, and stress in particular is known to cause problems.
Modern day living creates a lot of stress and it is particularly important if you have the symptoms of an ovarian cyst, to try and de-stress.
Take time out of your daily routine to sit and relax over a cup of tea and take your time with it.
In addition relax in a warm bath filled with some fragrant bubbles and just enjoy the moment and forget any worries.
Exercise is great for relieving stress as well and pilates and yoga are particularly effective as they comprise of gentle, stretching exercises which will help relieve pelvic and abdominal pressure.
Imagine a life free from the agonies of irregular, painful periods.
Think how great it would be to wake up each morning feeling reinvigorated and ready to take on the world.
Wouldn' t it be wonderful not to feel in low spirits and irritable with everyone.
Well you can get your life back and become a happy, healthier person by implementing the above suggestions.
I had never heard of one until I worked with a girl who suffered the most terrible period pains ever and would sometimes almost faint with the pain.
Unfortunately by the time she was diagnosed, her cyst had reached the size of a large grapefruit and complications had set in and damaged one of her ovaries.
Since she was only in her early twenties, this was a considerable blow to her.
So what is a chocolate cyst and how does it get its name? Chocolate cysts are derived from a condition called endometriosis and it affects women during their child bearing years.
It occurs when the endometriosis,or lining of the uterus, detaches itself and begins to grow outside of the uterus.
This lining or tissue can then implant itself anywhere within the abdominal cavity.
The endometriosis may invade the ovary, producing blood filled cysts called endometriomas.
Over time this blood darkens and becomes thick and sticky almost like chocolate, hence the term "chocolate cyst".
The cysts can vary in size from a small pea to the size of a grapefruit.
Endometriosis varies considerably from one person to another and whilst some women will not suffer any pain, others like my friend are doubled up each month with pain.
Endometriosis can irritate surrounding areas and cause scar tissue to be formed, which in turn can merge with all of the pelvic organs and even cover them completely, which may cause damage and infertility.
A chocolate cyst can only be accurately diagnosed by means of a laparoscopy and a surgeon can actually treat the endometriosis during this process by cutting away the diseased tissue and draining the cysts.
Unfortunately an over enthusiastic surgeon can sometimes remove too much healthy tissue which can have a detrimental effect on fertility.
Alternatively, and depending upon the size of the cyst, doctors may prescribe a course of hormone tablets to simulate either pregnancy or menopause which are the conditions that are known to slow down endometriomas and means they will not keep growing during each menstrual cycle.
It will also reduce the size of the endometriosis tissue over time.
There are a number of proven natural and non surgical treatments that a woman can implement herself, which all help to shrink the cyst and alleviate the pain.
These consist of a combination of such things are dietary changes, nutrient support and stress management.
Dietary changes.
It is important to cut back on fat levels since any fact stored in the body produces a haven for the production of estrogen, which if left untreated will further throw the menstrual cycle in chaos.
So it is recommended to cut out dairy, beef and chicken and increase nutrient rich food such as green vegetables, soy, cold water fish and fibre, which will all help to balance the hormones and remove excess estrogen from the body.
Try also to eat more oily fish such as salmon, tuna and halibut, which contains omega 3 that acts a natural anti-inflammatory.
There are a wide variety of vitamins and minerals that can be used to help top up any deficiencies in your everyday diet such as calcium and magnesium whilst herbal teas, such as camomile or mint tea,can be a great comfort too, since they contain calming and soothing properties.
It is known that emotions can play a large part in creating the growth of ovarian cysts, and stress in particular is known to cause problems.
Modern day living creates a lot of stress and it is particularly important if you have the symptoms of an ovarian cyst, to try and de-stress.
Take time out of your daily routine to sit and relax over a cup of tea and take your time with it.
In addition relax in a warm bath filled with some fragrant bubbles and just enjoy the moment and forget any worries.
Exercise is great for relieving stress as well and pilates and yoga are particularly effective as they comprise of gentle, stretching exercises which will help relieve pelvic and abdominal pressure.
Imagine a life free from the agonies of irregular, painful periods.
Think how great it would be to wake up each morning feeling reinvigorated and ready to take on the world.
Wouldn' t it be wonderful not to feel in low spirits and irritable with everyone.
Well you can get your life back and become a happy, healthier person by implementing the above suggestions.