Vinegar Flea Remedies
- Vinegar, when added to your dog or cat's drinking water, repels fleas and also helps to fight mange, according to the Easy Homemade Recipes website. Add a tablespoon of apple cider or white vinegar to your furry friend's water dish.
- Vinegar is a natural substance that repels fleas with its highly pungent odor and disagreeable taste. The Grandma's Home Remedies website recommends combining equal parts of water and white vinegar and transferring the mixture to a spray bottle. Spray your pet's fur, avoiding his ears, eyes and mouth. Also, spray the bedding, carpet and other infested areas of the home.
- Mix up a vinegar-based shampoo to bathe your flea-infested dog or cat. Combine 1/2 cup of vinegar with 1/2 cup of dish washing soap and use this mixture, along with warm water, to wash your pet. Avoid getting it in your pet's eyes, ears and mouth. Following the bath, combing your pet thoroughly with a comb dipped in vinegar to ensure that none of the fleas are sticking to the animal. You can also use vinegar to rinse your dog or cat following a bath with normal, or anti-flea, pet shampoo.
- Vinegar can be used alone. To kill fleas, leave a bowl of vinegar sitting on your carpet. Allow the bowl of vinegar to remain there overnight and, come morning, you'll find many dead fleas.
- There are many other natural home remedies for repelling fleas. Bake homemade dog treats using brewer's yeast and small amounts of fresh or powdered garlic, or sprinkle salt over your carpets and vacuum it up after 10 minutes. Fleas dislike dried peppermint and earl grey tea, both of which can also be scattered on carpet. Lavender, tea tree, eucalyptus, lemon and rosemary oils can be rubbed into collars and bandannas to repel fleas.