Taking a Look at American Idol 2011
The new season of American Idol is up and running with new judges and a stream of new contestants. How is American Idol 2011 shaping up? Here's the scoop.
Pass on the Auditions
One of the big changes this year was to move on from the auditions much more quickly than in the past. Previous seasons featured several weeks of auditions, which resulted in a lower number of viewers. By skipping right to Hollywood week the producers kept up watcher's interest.
New Judges Working Out
There are two new judges sitting at the table this year: Jennifer Lopez and Steven Tyler. Steven Tyler, formerly of Aerosmith, has brought a touch of crazy to the set every day. Jennifer Lopez carries the maternal touch. Already hits with the audience, they match up perfectly with veteran Randy Jackson. High hopes have already been put in place for the trio.
One thing is certain: the new panel has been well received. Polls, online forums and critics have all been enthusiastic about the new tenor of the show. Rather than facing Crowell's taciturnity and brusqueness and Paula Abduls strange clap, contestants have gotten valuable feedback from people who have a history of success in the music business.
New Rules
New judges aren't the only change in American Idol this year. The minimum age has been dropped from 16 to 15. Jimmy Iovine, new executive producer, is responsible for helping contestants select new music weekly. Contestants must move throughout their performance. Participants were allowed to use My Space for their auditions and musical instruments have been limited.
And the Verdict is…
Even with all the changes, or perhaps because of them, the new season of American Idol has been a bit hit. Hollywood Hell Week is well under way and the contestants have been performing in groups. Some participants headed home while others got yet another chance at the grand prize.
Fans, the real decision makers, are happy, and that is what the network wants to see. After all, happy fans means big numbers on the ratings and that translates into a good bottom line.
Pass on the Auditions
One of the big changes this year was to move on from the auditions much more quickly than in the past. Previous seasons featured several weeks of auditions, which resulted in a lower number of viewers. By skipping right to Hollywood week the producers kept up watcher's interest.
New Judges Working Out
There are two new judges sitting at the table this year: Jennifer Lopez and Steven Tyler. Steven Tyler, formerly of Aerosmith, has brought a touch of crazy to the set every day. Jennifer Lopez carries the maternal touch. Already hits with the audience, they match up perfectly with veteran Randy Jackson. High hopes have already been put in place for the trio.
One thing is certain: the new panel has been well received. Polls, online forums and critics have all been enthusiastic about the new tenor of the show. Rather than facing Crowell's taciturnity and brusqueness and Paula Abduls strange clap, contestants have gotten valuable feedback from people who have a history of success in the music business.
New Rules
New judges aren't the only change in American Idol this year. The minimum age has been dropped from 16 to 15. Jimmy Iovine, new executive producer, is responsible for helping contestants select new music weekly. Contestants must move throughout their performance. Participants were allowed to use My Space for their auditions and musical instruments have been limited.
And the Verdict is…
Even with all the changes, or perhaps because of them, the new season of American Idol has been a bit hit. Hollywood Hell Week is well under way and the contestants have been performing in groups. Some participants headed home while others got yet another chance at the grand prize.
Fans, the real decision makers, are happy, and that is what the network wants to see. After all, happy fans means big numbers on the ratings and that translates into a good bottom line.