The Real Secret to Picking Up and Attracting Women
For those of you who are confused when it comes to the area of picking up and seducing women I have some good news for you - there is one thing, that if focused on correctly, will drastically improve your success with women.
There are so many different aspects to being successful with women, it's sometimes difficult to know where to start.
The logical step is the approach.
Guys want to know exactly what to say in order to captivate women and get their attention.
They also want to know exactly what to say to build attraction.
Are you seeing the common theme here? They want lines and techniques.
Little do they know lines and routines will not solve their problem.
Here's the secret to attracting women: change your mindset.
If that was a letdown for you then unfortunately you are not ready to really progress when it comes to women and dating.
You will eventually, but until you fully believe that it's who you are that attracts women and not just lines and techniques, you will not see the level of success you are capable of.
The first mental adjustment we need to make is about being good enough.
Most men don't feel their good enough.
They don't think they're in the same league when it comes to beautiful women.
I need you to eradicate this belief from your head, now.
I try to view everyone as equal, although this can be quite difficult at times.
If I need a confidence boost I will actually put myself above everyone else.
Yes it may seem a little egotistical but I don't act like a jerk, I do it in a way that gives me more confidence and energy.
To do this I go over in my head all the positive qualities about myself.
The list might include things like: my outlook on life, business, friends, intellect, goals, and skills just to name a few.
Reminding me of who I am can give me a heightened mental state if I start doubting myself at any point.
The next key to keep in mind is even the best guys don't succeed all the time.
If you think the guys that are successful with women are batting 100 you're out of your mind.
They fail just as much if not more than your average Joe.
Do you know why? Because they put themselves out there.
They know nothing can be lost by approaching or meeting new people.
When things don't go their way they don't view it as failure or rejection, they view it as a learning experience.
This point alone is enough to help motivate a lot of the guys I've worked with.
My question for you now is, do you think these guys care? After a while you start to view interactions as feedback.
You're not scared or nervous, you're excited about the people you could meet and the relationships you could form.
The last point I want to make is regarding identity.
When you have a strong identity you will begin to see things differently.
You will be grounded in your beliefs and have a clear idea of what you'll tolerate and what you won't.
This is important when it comes to picking up and attracting women.
A lot of guys will let women walk all over them.
Guys will bend and break their own rules to accommodate a beautiful woman.
If you stop doing this you will notice a change in how people act around you.
You may encounter some initial resistance at first but after a while people will start to accept that you're not a push over.
I want you to take a second and really think about where the foundation of success lies when it comes to attracting women.
You will quickly realize it's not in a magic line or a special routines.
It lies in your mindset and the confidence you have in yourself.
There are so many different aspects to being successful with women, it's sometimes difficult to know where to start.
The logical step is the approach.
Guys want to know exactly what to say in order to captivate women and get their attention.
They also want to know exactly what to say to build attraction.
Are you seeing the common theme here? They want lines and techniques.
Little do they know lines and routines will not solve their problem.
Here's the secret to attracting women: change your mindset.
If that was a letdown for you then unfortunately you are not ready to really progress when it comes to women and dating.
You will eventually, but until you fully believe that it's who you are that attracts women and not just lines and techniques, you will not see the level of success you are capable of.
The first mental adjustment we need to make is about being good enough.
Most men don't feel their good enough.
They don't think they're in the same league when it comes to beautiful women.
I need you to eradicate this belief from your head, now.
I try to view everyone as equal, although this can be quite difficult at times.
If I need a confidence boost I will actually put myself above everyone else.
Yes it may seem a little egotistical but I don't act like a jerk, I do it in a way that gives me more confidence and energy.
To do this I go over in my head all the positive qualities about myself.
The list might include things like: my outlook on life, business, friends, intellect, goals, and skills just to name a few.
Reminding me of who I am can give me a heightened mental state if I start doubting myself at any point.
The next key to keep in mind is even the best guys don't succeed all the time.
If you think the guys that are successful with women are batting 100 you're out of your mind.
They fail just as much if not more than your average Joe.
Do you know why? Because they put themselves out there.
They know nothing can be lost by approaching or meeting new people.
When things don't go their way they don't view it as failure or rejection, they view it as a learning experience.
This point alone is enough to help motivate a lot of the guys I've worked with.
My question for you now is, do you think these guys care? After a while you start to view interactions as feedback.
You're not scared or nervous, you're excited about the people you could meet and the relationships you could form.
The last point I want to make is regarding identity.
When you have a strong identity you will begin to see things differently.
You will be grounded in your beliefs and have a clear idea of what you'll tolerate and what you won't.
This is important when it comes to picking up and attracting women.
A lot of guys will let women walk all over them.
Guys will bend and break their own rules to accommodate a beautiful woman.
If you stop doing this you will notice a change in how people act around you.
You may encounter some initial resistance at first but after a while people will start to accept that you're not a push over.
I want you to take a second and really think about where the foundation of success lies when it comes to attracting women.
You will quickly realize it's not in a magic line or a special routines.
It lies in your mindset and the confidence you have in yourself.