Breast Implants ~ Bigger = Better?
When I first got involved answering questions on the forums, all I saw was the tendency in breast augmentation for patients, for women, to keep going bigger - "bigger is better "- "once you get breast implants, you will always wish you had gone bigger so get more to begin with" - "booby greed" The attitude was " a little bit of something is good - so get more!" Well, I guess it makes sense as we tend to supersize everything from our happy meals to our McMansions.
But recently I am seeing more posts like this one warning about what big implants can do to you over time.....
"I had a breast augmentation 8 years ago and I went way too big. Can't buy any bras or swimsuit tops from anywhere but specialty shops. Now I have neck and upper back pain and headaches. I have 825cc and 850cc which makes me a 34G or H. The worst is that I see bubbles and tons of rippling. The implants look and feel gross - even my GYN/OB said she's never felt anything like it. Plus, after gaining a bunch of weight with kids and finally losing it, I have a lot of extra skin and major ptosis? going on. I hear you can't go too big all the time, but trust me, you can!"
Please understand that once you have stretched the tissue with a big implant - it is never simple or easy to fix. You can't just put in a smaller implant. And Mastopexy after having big implants for long periods of time can be dicey as the blood supply to the lower part of the breast maybe compromised and thus interfere with healing and scarring.
When we augment a breast with a breast implant, the goal should be to increase the size of the breast without causing permanent deformities to the tissue and harming the patient. If patients and breast implant surgeons adhered to the tenants of the High Five Measurement system, I doubt there would ever be a call for an 850cc implant! When you force tissue to go where it has never been, there will be consequences. When you simply fill the empty space, you get a bigger, pretty breast that is least likely to cause another operation in the future or irreversible tissue deformities! Bigger isn't always better! Learn more about your perfect size by talking with an experience breast augmentation surgeon.