Fix Slow PC
It is mysterious that my computer was running more and more slowly without any problems. There was no error message, no any abnormal symptoms. The only result was that I even couldn't run my computer because it was too slow. It took a year to wait for its response. When I wanted to write something in Microsoft Word, it couldn't open quickly. When I opened Excel, it took long to open. I asked for help from Internet. I changed to another computer and began to search for the causes and the solutions to the problem. I found that it was because I haven't done any maintenance for my computer. I had no idea about computer maintenance before. It wrote, "There are junk files accumulating in the system and there are too many unneeded registry items in the computer registry with time passing by."
The idea dawned on me that a computer also needs maintenance if you want to keep it running well in the long run. I began to fix the never-maintained computer according to the instructions. First, too many startup items affect bootup speed. To solve this problem, Click Start - >Run -> type "msconfig" -> startup; for the startup items, untick all the options except ctfmon.exe input method and the anti-virus software. And then click "OK". I restarted my computer and as my expectation, it started up much faster. Second, close the special effects in the system. This is a simple and effective way to speed system speed. Right "My Computer" on the desktop - >Properties -> Advanced -> Performance -> settings - >under visual effects, Adjust it for the best performance -> Click "OK". For some icons which are not used frequently on the desktop, delete them.
For some other ways that need to modify the computer registry, I didn't have a try because I am not so familiar with computer registry. I only know serious problems may be caused if there is anything wrong change about the registry. I know there are some registry cleaners which can protect the computer registry and fix the registry problems. However, there are too many similar programs available on the market. It is really difficult to choose a satisfying one. I read some comments about different products. Finally, RegistryMum impressed me a lot. It can back up the registry before doing any changes to the registry. In case there is something wrong, it can be restored to the previous normal working status. Many items can be scanned in the home function only by clicking "Scan" and "Fix" buttons. What's more, there is a startup manager and defragmentation function. Feel it is good, if you want to know more about it, you can visit
The idea dawned on me that a computer also needs maintenance if you want to keep it running well in the long run. I began to fix the never-maintained computer according to the instructions. First, too many startup items affect bootup speed. To solve this problem, Click Start - >Run -> type "msconfig" -> startup; for the startup items, untick all the options except ctfmon.exe input method and the anti-virus software. And then click "OK". I restarted my computer and as my expectation, it started up much faster. Second, close the special effects in the system. This is a simple and effective way to speed system speed. Right "My Computer" on the desktop - >Properties -> Advanced -> Performance -> settings - >under visual effects, Adjust it for the best performance -> Click "OK". For some icons which are not used frequently on the desktop, delete them.
For some other ways that need to modify the computer registry, I didn't have a try because I am not so familiar with computer registry. I only know serious problems may be caused if there is anything wrong change about the registry. I know there are some registry cleaners which can protect the computer registry and fix the registry problems. However, there are too many similar programs available on the market. It is really difficult to choose a satisfying one. I read some comments about different products. Finally, RegistryMum impressed me a lot. It can back up the registry before doing any changes to the registry. In case there is something wrong, it can be restored to the previous normal working status. Many items can be scanned in the home function only by clicking "Scan" and "Fix" buttons. What's more, there is a startup manager and defragmentation function. Feel it is good, if you want to know more about it, you can visit