Business & Finance Debt

Federal Debt Relief System

The Federal Debt Relief system is a type of debt relief program that is a privately owned business the offers relief from debt.
Researching this program will turn up very mix reviews that range from very good to very bad.
This company, despite the name, is not affiliated in any way with the federal government.
Rather, it is an independent privately owned business that works on behalf of consumers to settle, consolidate or eliminate debt.
The government does not provide any program that assists individuals with debt elimination.
Programs that advertise using government or federal are typically private businesses who are marketing their services in a specific way.
The Federal Debt Relief System promises to eliminate consumer debt through a specifically designed program titled the Federal Debt Relief Program.
The company offers credit card consolidation, bill consolidation, debt settlement and management, self repayment plans and bankruptcy assistance.
As with any debt collection service there are rules and regulations that must be followed when collecting debts.
Debt consolidation agencies are required to follow the rules of the game, however it is not unheard of that the rules are not always followed when a third party is hired to collect or eliminate a debt.
The common complaints with collection agencies are the failure to follow the rules.
These rules include not asking for confidential information, communicating in writing, honoring requests from customers and making false claims.
This is not an exhaustive list of rules that govern debt collectors; these are just a few of the common complaints that are typical with many debt collection agencies.
The difference with the complaints in this case is that they are being made by the customers who have hired the company to work on their behalf.
On the contrary, many people claim to be satisfied with the services they have been provided through the company.
Customers claim that the services were effective, customer service was sufficient and the representatives were helpful and courteous.
Customer reports indicate satisfaction with the program that resulted in effective debt management.
The reviews are mixed about the federal debt relief system.
As with any debt consolidation program a customers experience is based upon many factors.
There are many programs out there that can assist with debt.
All debt relief programs work differently for different consumers and success is based on many variables.
It is essential to research any debt consolidation program before entering into any type of business arrangement.

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