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How to Find a Georgia Driving Record


    • 1). Access the following link to the Georgia Department of Driver Services: Once there, select "Continue" and provide your driver's license number as well as your date of birth.

    • 2). Select "Request a password" if it is your first time accessing the Georgia Department of Driver Services website.

    • 3). Provide your Social Security number, birth date, and driver's license number to receive a password that will give you access to your record.

    By Mail

    • 1). Send a letter requesting your driving record to the following address:

      Georgia Department of Driver Services
      MVR Request
      Post Office Box 80447
      Conyers, Georgia 30013

    • 2). You can also request your Driving History Report by mailing a completed Form DDS-18, which can be downloaded from the following link:

    • 3). Whichever method you use, your request must include the following:

      - Your name as it appears on your license
      - Your driver's license number
      - Your birth date
      - Your address
      - A stamped addressed return envelope

    In Person

    • 1). Go to any Georgia Department of Driver Services customer service center with some form of identification, and request for your driving record.

    • 2). Access the following link to find the closest center to your location:

    • 3). Enter your Zip Code and find the nearest branch in your location.

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