Some Popular Cat Breeds
Cats are playful and lovable and different breeds have their own characteristics.
We will consider some breed of cats that give them their names: Persian Persian is the nature of cat that you can groom and spoilt them and is one of the most well liked pet around.
With their regal hairs, these cats are amazing striking and they are devoted and loving cats too.
Persian is furry and comes in almost every color that you can visualize.
Such cat is tame and will accompany you to watch TV and you can pet it all you like.
Siamese Siamese is a popular breed and almost everyone identify with it.
Besides being beautiful with big blue eyes and elegant coat, they need little amount of grooming.
They are an intelligent feline but can be quite annoying when they try to attract your attention with their yowling sound.
If you are a passive person, do not get a Siamese as they are active as well as playful which is more appropriate for those who have a lively lifestyle and personality.
Manx Manx is a unique breed of cat that has no tail but other than that they are a muscular and solid breed.
Their appearance is enhanced by their short glossy coat and they are intelligence as well as a great character.
Being playful and active, they are compliant and get along well with all family members.
Burmese Burmese is medium size but muscular and affectionate but not to the extent of shocking you.
They are a stunning cat with short glossy coat and Burmese are generally categorized into traditional, contemporary and European.
The traditional is well built and muscular with a rounded head whereas the contemporary has a burly body and pronounced round and space eyes with stunning color for instant sable, champagne, platinum and blue.
European as the name implied assumes a more foreign look.
They are graceful with slimmer body and they come in many colors.
Burmese is great companion as well as a loving and smart cat.
Himalayan The Himalayan besides being popular breed is a sweet and demonstrative cat but need plenty of grooming.
It is big boned with round body and the coat makes it even expansive.
Himalayan exists in two facial varieties and they are extreme and traditional.
Both varieties have small and rounded ears with full cheeks and a prominent chin.
If you prefer to deal with fewer health problems then pick traditional.
Himalayan is a great indoor cat with streak of playfulness in them.
Abyssinian Abyssinian is the kind with lots of energy and very active as well as playful.
It has striking green and gold eyes and come in midsize with striking tick pattern.
Abyssinian is fun and entertaining and comes in 3 different breed colors.
- Ruddy, where it has orange and brown color - Red, with warm fur color that is accompanied with chocolate brown spots - Blue, which is a unique color.
The striking colors make Abyssinian a graceful and regal cat with soft, silky coat that is medium in length.
Egyptian Mau Egyptian Mau is a beautiful and graceful cat with natural spot and very well developed.
They may be muscular but not heavy and very fast with rounded head plus almond shape eyes that is green in color.
They are unique from other cats with their spots that differ in shape, size and location.
They are smart, active and extremely loyal with beautiful coats of medium length.
We will consider some breed of cats that give them their names: Persian Persian is the nature of cat that you can groom and spoilt them and is one of the most well liked pet around.
With their regal hairs, these cats are amazing striking and they are devoted and loving cats too.
Persian is furry and comes in almost every color that you can visualize.
Such cat is tame and will accompany you to watch TV and you can pet it all you like.
Siamese Siamese is a popular breed and almost everyone identify with it.
Besides being beautiful with big blue eyes and elegant coat, they need little amount of grooming.
They are an intelligent feline but can be quite annoying when they try to attract your attention with their yowling sound.
If you are a passive person, do not get a Siamese as they are active as well as playful which is more appropriate for those who have a lively lifestyle and personality.
Manx Manx is a unique breed of cat that has no tail but other than that they are a muscular and solid breed.
Their appearance is enhanced by their short glossy coat and they are intelligence as well as a great character.
Being playful and active, they are compliant and get along well with all family members.
Burmese Burmese is medium size but muscular and affectionate but not to the extent of shocking you.
They are a stunning cat with short glossy coat and Burmese are generally categorized into traditional, contemporary and European.
The traditional is well built and muscular with a rounded head whereas the contemporary has a burly body and pronounced round and space eyes with stunning color for instant sable, champagne, platinum and blue.
European as the name implied assumes a more foreign look.
They are graceful with slimmer body and they come in many colors.
Burmese is great companion as well as a loving and smart cat.
Himalayan The Himalayan besides being popular breed is a sweet and demonstrative cat but need plenty of grooming.
It is big boned with round body and the coat makes it even expansive.
Himalayan exists in two facial varieties and they are extreme and traditional.
Both varieties have small and rounded ears with full cheeks and a prominent chin.
If you prefer to deal with fewer health problems then pick traditional.
Himalayan is a great indoor cat with streak of playfulness in them.
Abyssinian Abyssinian is the kind with lots of energy and very active as well as playful.
It has striking green and gold eyes and come in midsize with striking tick pattern.
Abyssinian is fun and entertaining and comes in 3 different breed colors.
- Ruddy, where it has orange and brown color - Red, with warm fur color that is accompanied with chocolate brown spots - Blue, which is a unique color.
The striking colors make Abyssinian a graceful and regal cat with soft, silky coat that is medium in length.
Egyptian Mau Egyptian Mau is a beautiful and graceful cat with natural spot and very well developed.
They may be muscular but not heavy and very fast with rounded head plus almond shape eyes that is green in color.
They are unique from other cats with their spots that differ in shape, size and location.
They are smart, active and extremely loyal with beautiful coats of medium length.