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Three dollars of I'm I got some really good deals and I will start with the cover girls what I got for cover girl I had I'll a target coupon and I had a manufacturers coupon and you can staccato Target you can stack their coupon with manufacturer’s coupon a lot of time I will get my Target coupon on my tax message the text me some mobile coupons and also if you got the website target dot com if you go all the way to the bottom you will see you know I know store locator store hours and on and then.
you'll see store coupon secret bat and you can just go through all about the bad thing about that website and Aim is that when you go through all the coupons and let the target brown tiger groceries is market pantry in less you know it's a target Brandon will be a Target coupon but sometimes a you go through with thrones you want you click it and sometimes it's a manufacturer's coupon so that tightening the target I wish the which tell you what this is a actual Target coupon this is a national manufactures by I don't know that it isn't I actually planet but anyway just a little you know coupon yeah review their but anyway I have target coupon and I had a cover girl coupon and at two dollars each so they were four dollars worth the coupons so I ended up picking this because I needed money want to bee’s and this is regularly three dollars in 94 cents and then because my coupon for both I had a right to our items to cover girl items so.
I picked this one up and I wish I would've opened it cut I it's still sealed but I think this trio see here ha-ha okay Rico fairly so I got that and I don't have any of these colors and I'm this is in the collar I am c-class I love these colors can't wait to try it this one was four dollars in 44 cents okay so both these were regularly together a dollars in 38 sands and I ended up in four dollars and thirty 8 sets print these what a deal I'll that was a steal I by right and let see my nail polish that got trying to go through this really good but T Advance my nail polish I picked up a Sally Hansen on Complete Salon Manicure nail polish and this is in the holler halt chocolate hot chocolate you can see that sorry I do have like something.
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