Health & Medical Medicine

Siddha Medicine Cure Aids Completely

Now AIDS is curable!!!

Now AIDS is completely curable. Though it is unbelievable it is true. Siddha medical system is one of the familiar ancient medical systems of India challenging to cure the terrible disease AIDS. Based on the Siddha medical system so many traditional medical practitioners of Tamilnadu, India were being tried to identify the suitable potential drug to cure AIDS.

But Dr. S.K. Balasubramaniam, Traditional Siddha Medical Practitioner in Erode, Tamilnadu, India was invented a drug namely VAIROLINN which is extracted from some rare herbals. It is highly potential to cure AIDS 100% without any residue. Vairolinn has already passed various studies such 1) Animal Study 2) Pathological study 3) Cell to cell Study etc., which resulted that the Herbal Medicine “Vairolinn” has no side effect and no toxic substances found included Steroids.

From the beginning about 120 HIV affected patients were being treated with our drug Vairolinn. Most of the patients were completely recovered from this terrible disease within Six months of treatment Period. Only few of them need up to nine months of treatment to recover completely depending upon their HIV Viral Load.

For example, one patient namely Mr. V. Sunderajan, Age 32 (in 1999) Male having HIV Viral load initially about 2, 70,000 copies/ml has taken our Herbal medicine Vairolinn regularly. After 70 days of treatment his viral load decreased into 1, 05,000 copies/ml (as 03.08.1999, 61.11% improvement) and subsequently decreased in to 506 copies/ml (99.81% Improvement) after 160 days of treatment and continued our treatment up to 200 days. The patient is still alive in good Health Condition. After the completion of Eight year Mr. V. Sunderajan was subjected to follow up analysis, an unbelievable and ever achieved result as “HIV Viral load could not be ascertained” obtained. It simply conformed that our Herbal Medicine is completely cure the HIV/AIDS without any residue.

Though it is a great achievement, we could not able to market the said medicine directly due lack of financial background. Therefore we decide to sell the product with complete technical details or to market the medicine with the collaboration of others who have sufficient marketing potential.

Test reports of few patients and reports of various studied already involved are also published in our website Kindly visit our website to go through the reports.

If you have any idea to market our product, kindly contact us. We are always ready to clarify your doubts if any raised and also ready to prove the efficiency of drug Vairolinn.

Please fell free to contact “ “ to clarify your doubts.

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