Important Message to All Fund Raisers for Cancer Research
As fund raisers for cancer, of course, you mean well, and my respect goes out to anyone in action with good intentions, but I regret to say, and it may come as quite a shock some that most cancer research is a fraud. The fraud basically goes like this.
The medical/pharmaceutical establishment has no intention of ever finding a cure. If one was ever found, then they would stand to lose huge amounts of money in revenue. They are in the 'sickness' business, not health. Hence the saying goes, 'To a pharmaceutical company a patient cured is a customer lost' and you know how much corporations hate losing customers...
Because the government takes in huge revenues from the pharmaceutical companies they too don't want cures. The third body in this deception is the mainstream media, sponsored by the pharmaceutical companies and the government to support them. For example, the media put out articles from time to time that a 'miracle cure' for cancer cure could be on its way... but nothing ever comes of it (and never will). There will never be a 'magic bullet' drug solution for cancer. Cures like that won't work because cancer is a whole body illness resulting from multiple levels of cause and effect and therefore needs multiple approaches. Cancer is caused by one or a combination of the following long-term: Toxicity, stress and poor diet.
Let's take long-term poor diet as an example. Starting with an analogy, if someone has a credit card it's okay to spend something like 11 pounds today, then about 9 pounds tomorrow and say 18 pounds a few days later... but continual spending like this over the years, paying very little money back, can indeed turn into a serious debt problem. In a way the same applies with a poor diet and cancer: If a person continually neglects their dietary requirements by excessive junk food, lack of quality food or balanced diet... then they will run up a metabolic deficiency (inadequate running of the body's vital functions for life) and in the long-term this can lead to cancer.
Relating to the above long-term causes and their cures, there have been and still are many cheap, natural and non-toxic alternative therapies that cure cancer. However, the medical/pharmaceutical establishment don't want you to know about this because naturally it would greatly threaten their business by undercutting. Care of the paid off mainstream media and their sponsors the pharmaceutical companies and the government some of the highly effective cheap, natural and non-toxic therapies with their brilliant, humane and authentic pioneers and practitioners have been suppressed, ignored, ridiculed, some have even had their premises shut down by government officials with equipment seized and had licences revoked with charges of illegal practice... all this for saving people's lives. And do you really think the authorities
would take the trouble to do this if they were just hoaxers? Those that have successfully survived the witch hunt and practice today with very high cure rates include: 'Gerson Therapy', Dr Simoncini 'Cancer Is a Fungus'and 'Laetrile Therapy... ' However, academic research grants and funding is only strictly limited to the medical/pharmaceutical approach for reasons already given.
The controllers of the medical/pharmaceutical establishment cunningly implementing this form of mafia operation know that the alternative therapies work:All the scientific and documentary evidence is there to support it. To this end I encourage you to check this out. They may just stop you from falling for such nonsense statements from the establishment such as 'cancer, together we'll crack it' and all that pink-ribbon status-symbol rubbish... if you really want to do something about ending cancer then start campaigning for the truth in medicine, spread the word about the establishment's suppression of the truth. If you know someone with cancer then let them know about these effective alternative therapies that you can also learn about:
This is a huge opportunity to genuinely make a difference and it's your wake up call. This message contains vital life-saving information. Don't throw it away or dismiss it.
The medical/pharmaceutical establishment have monopolised the cancer treatment industry with their largely ineffective therapies, those being chemotherapy, radiation and surgery. Although the therapies may provide temporary relief, any genuine long-term success has shown to be very low. Don't be deceived by those telling you that they know of someone who has been treated for cancer by one of or a combination of the therapies chemotherapy, radiation and surgery and their fine... They may well be fine for some years, but the cancer may well come back because the three therapies don't treat the underlying root causes of cancer, which is, as I have already said, long-term: 1.Toxicity, 2. Stress and 3. Poor diet.
No medical/pharmaceutical approaches have ever cured non-infectious diseases. They only treat the symptoms. For example, using an analogy; if you have a terrible headache from an illness then taking tablets may make you no longer feel the pain, but the root cause, the reason why you had the headache is still there and indeed has not been addressed and therefore no cure has occurred. This principle and the related deceptions already mentioned not only occurs in cancer but also in heart disease, diabetes, colitis, arthritis, osteoporosis, AIDS... and much more. You have been deceived: Question everything; stop believing the authorities & media. They have placed profits above the genuine welfare concern of people.
"Everyone should know that most cancer research is
largely a fraud and that the major cancer research
organisations are derelict in their duties to the people
who support them."
- Linus Pauling PhD (Two-time Nobel Prize winner).
The medical/pharmaceutical establishment has no intention of ever finding a cure. If one was ever found, then they would stand to lose huge amounts of money in revenue. They are in the 'sickness' business, not health. Hence the saying goes, 'To a pharmaceutical company a patient cured is a customer lost' and you know how much corporations hate losing customers...
Because the government takes in huge revenues from the pharmaceutical companies they too don't want cures. The third body in this deception is the mainstream media, sponsored by the pharmaceutical companies and the government to support them. For example, the media put out articles from time to time that a 'miracle cure' for cancer cure could be on its way... but nothing ever comes of it (and never will). There will never be a 'magic bullet' drug solution for cancer. Cures like that won't work because cancer is a whole body illness resulting from multiple levels of cause and effect and therefore needs multiple approaches. Cancer is caused by one or a combination of the following long-term: Toxicity, stress and poor diet.
Let's take long-term poor diet as an example. Starting with an analogy, if someone has a credit card it's okay to spend something like 11 pounds today, then about 9 pounds tomorrow and say 18 pounds a few days later... but continual spending like this over the years, paying very little money back, can indeed turn into a serious debt problem. In a way the same applies with a poor diet and cancer: If a person continually neglects their dietary requirements by excessive junk food, lack of quality food or balanced diet... then they will run up a metabolic deficiency (inadequate running of the body's vital functions for life) and in the long-term this can lead to cancer.
Relating to the above long-term causes and their cures, there have been and still are many cheap, natural and non-toxic alternative therapies that cure cancer. However, the medical/pharmaceutical establishment don't want you to know about this because naturally it would greatly threaten their business by undercutting. Care of the paid off mainstream media and their sponsors the pharmaceutical companies and the government some of the highly effective cheap, natural and non-toxic therapies with their brilliant, humane and authentic pioneers and practitioners have been suppressed, ignored, ridiculed, some have even had their premises shut down by government officials with equipment seized and had licences revoked with charges of illegal practice... all this for saving people's lives. And do you really think the authorities
would take the trouble to do this if they were just hoaxers? Those that have successfully survived the witch hunt and practice today with very high cure rates include: 'Gerson Therapy', Dr Simoncini 'Cancer Is a Fungus'and 'Laetrile Therapy... ' However, academic research grants and funding is only strictly limited to the medical/pharmaceutical approach for reasons already given.
The controllers of the medical/pharmaceutical establishment cunningly implementing this form of mafia operation know that the alternative therapies work:All the scientific and documentary evidence is there to support it. To this end I encourage you to check this out. They may just stop you from falling for such nonsense statements from the establishment such as 'cancer, together we'll crack it' and all that pink-ribbon status-symbol rubbish... if you really want to do something about ending cancer then start campaigning for the truth in medicine, spread the word about the establishment's suppression of the truth. If you know someone with cancer then let them know about these effective alternative therapies that you can also learn about:
This is a huge opportunity to genuinely make a difference and it's your wake up call. This message contains vital life-saving information. Don't throw it away or dismiss it.
The medical/pharmaceutical establishment have monopolised the cancer treatment industry with their largely ineffective therapies, those being chemotherapy, radiation and surgery. Although the therapies may provide temporary relief, any genuine long-term success has shown to be very low. Don't be deceived by those telling you that they know of someone who has been treated for cancer by one of or a combination of the therapies chemotherapy, radiation and surgery and their fine... They may well be fine for some years, but the cancer may well come back because the three therapies don't treat the underlying root causes of cancer, which is, as I have already said, long-term: 1.Toxicity, 2. Stress and 3. Poor diet.
No medical/pharmaceutical approaches have ever cured non-infectious diseases. They only treat the symptoms. For example, using an analogy; if you have a terrible headache from an illness then taking tablets may make you no longer feel the pain, but the root cause, the reason why you had the headache is still there and indeed has not been addressed and therefore no cure has occurred. This principle and the related deceptions already mentioned not only occurs in cancer but also in heart disease, diabetes, colitis, arthritis, osteoporosis, AIDS... and much more. You have been deceived: Question everything; stop believing the authorities & media. They have placed profits above the genuine welfare concern of people.
"Everyone should know that most cancer research is
largely a fraud and that the major cancer research
organisations are derelict in their duties to the people
who support them."
- Linus Pauling PhD (Two-time Nobel Prize winner).