Technology Networking & Internet

How To Find The Best Video Gallery For Wordpress?

You are probably ages behind if your wordpress website doesn't have a video gallery. Posting videos occasionally through installed web flv player is one idea. But today the trend has gone up to maintaining an independent video gallery in our website, rather than embedding links from external video sharing sites such as You Tube. Make sure that the wordpress video gallery that you install has all the essential as well as advanced features enough to give a stunning user experience for your site visitors. And now, how to do that?

There are so many web application developers today who provide high quality and reliable video gallery scripts for wordpress CMS. But the real difficulty is to screen out the best quality among these, such as the Contus Video Gallery for Wordpress: which has got the finest quality, providing finest user experience. To narrow down, the following could be a perfect check list you should have while buying your wordpress video gallery:

- Features to have quickly visible video categories such as Recent Videos, Popular Videos and Featured Videos and the facility to control number and order of these from back end.

- Most essential: FLV & H.264 encoded video including MP4, M4V, M4A, MOV, Mp4v, F4V

- Social networking comments from the gallery page (like for Facebook)

- Ability to alter width, height, skin, theme, aspect ratio, volume, downloads etc. from the backend.

- Attractive colors, themes, templates etc.

- Social Bookmarking (diggit, myspace, facebook,, spurl, furl, google)

- Multiple Playlists

- Views count for video

- Supported in the latest Wordpress 3.0.3

- And all the other regular and utile features we could see in leading video sharing scripts like You Tube


Overall the foremost point that you are supposed to be conscious about is the ‘user experience, its easiness and efficiency.' Your user should find your video gallery easy to access and impressive enough. Apart from all these features, you should have in the script, the scope for customization, according to your future needs. Customization is a great advantage, since you can add new features or modify according to new ideas that are demanded are created respectively. So check the script whether it provides required facilities to modify.

Also make sure that the HD flash player of your wordpress video gallery has the highest video quality. However dynamic the video gallery might be, it will fail to create the desired success if the video player's quality is not up to the standard. One of the best HD flash players I have found recently is the HD FLV Player:

Enough of depending on external video sharing sites to embed videos in your website.  Now go ahead and get your own video gallery script and create the wordpress video gallery of your site. Make it a point that you read as much as forums and reviews as possible before you go for it. Also find out which developer provides the best post sales service. Because in case you are a completely non-technical type, then you will sure have troubles after buying, which you cannot solve without the help of post sales support.

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