Health & Medical Eye Health & Optical & Vision

Laser Eye Surgery Recovery Tips

If laser eye surgery is on your schedule, then getting some tips on recovering after your surgery is a must.
This article will look at some of the basics in ensuring a quick and smooth recovery from your surgery.
First things first, the procedure itself doesn't take long therefore you will be walking in and walking out the same day.
When coming out afterward have someone else drive you home, as you won't be up to driving just yet.
Also try and wear a good pair of sunglasses, it's likely that your eyes will still be sensitive to the light, so try and protect them.
If you are getting laser eye surgery for both eyes, it will most likely benefit you to have someone stay with you for the first few days afterward to help you with anything.
The first 48 hours will be a period while your eyes are settling down, therefore try and rest your eyes as much as possible.
No reading, working on computer, watching TV etc as they will strain your eyes too much.
In the early stages your eyes may be irritable but it is very important not to rub or touch them.
Your doctor will give you advice if this happens and provide any medication.
Also playing sports will need to be avoided for about a month, talk to your doctor about this and they will be able to give you advice on when you can start playing again.
Ensure while taking a bath or shower to keep the water and any soap out of your eyes to prevent any damage to them.
Make up and aftershave/ perfume should be avoided so that the dust or fumes don't get in your eyes.
A good product to use after laser eye surgery is an eye mask which blocks out sunlight, so it is great for taking the strain off your eyes.
Your doctor will want to see you for your follow up exam, which is extremely important as they will examine your eyes to ensure the surgery was a success and that no side effects have occurred.
All going well you should hopefully be able to go back to work after about 2-3 days, but every person is different, so seek advice from your doctor about this.
Laser eye surgery is a life changing procedure so make sure you take care in the recovery process to ensure your eyes are taken care of.

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