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Wind Turbine Facts: Key Ones To Know

There are a number of wind turbine facts you need to know if you are going to bring one of these devices onboard at your house. The more you know, the more you will be able to use the facts you learn to optimize the amount of energy you will be able to extract from the wind around your property.

These are the most important wind turbine facts you need to know If you are going to optimize the wind energy device that you end up buying...

Wind is not the same everywhere - The wind on your property is very different. Not only is it different than the wind on other people's property but it is also different at various locations around your house. That is because there are obstacles all over the place, like trees and buildings, which will diffuse the wind patterns and make it different at different locations.

Wind power behaves according to the cube rule - Wind power increases by the cube of velocity. That means that if you increase wind speed by 1-1/2 mph by locating a turbine at a higher place, you will increase the power that you get out of that by a cubed amount.

Wind turbine power comes from the sun - The sun is ultimately the source of all wind. That is because the sun heats the earth and the heat rises, which causes the air to be of the uneven density and that combined with Coriolis effect makes the wind.

Many communities do not allow all wind turbines - Many places around the country have problems with wind turbines and you need to find out if your local community will present you with an issue when it comes time to install your wind energy device.

Several more good wind turbine facts...

Some wind turbines can start making power at velocities under 1 mile power - There are wind turbines out there today that can make power with under 1 mile-per-hour wind velocity. Honeywell makes one and there will be more and more coming down the pike as this technology evolves.

Most wind turbines make power at 6 miles per hour or more - In most cases however wind turbines with 6 mph of wind speed on average will make them an obvious go.

Home wind turbine blades are where all the research and development money is being spent - If you are looking at wind turbine facts you will stand the best chance of optimizing and making the most power that you possibly can.

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