Home & Garden Do It Yourself

Alternative Power – the Secret the Energy Companies are Hiding from You

Wouldn't you love to find an alternative power source that means you don't need to rely on your regular provider for their over-priced and environmentally-unfriendly energy?!
The big corporate providers are enemies of both your bank balance and of Mother Earth and it's time to stop our society's reliance on them and embrace a new, finance-friendly and planet-pleasing alternative.

If you don't know what I'm talking, it's hardly surprising – this alternative power source is well known to energy providers and governments alike however it's being suppressed by those at the top whose only interest lies in lining their pockets at your – and the planet's – expense.

This ‘secret source' is magnetic energy – a free, eco-friendly and completely safe way to power your home or workplace.

By harnessing perpetual magnetic energy and building your own magnetic power generator you'll be able to slash your electricity bills as well as doing your bit to cut down on the harmful by-products that traditional fossil fuels create.

This method has been tried and tested and is known to work 100% but for obvious reasons there are powerful industry people who don't want you to know about it. One of the reasons that the energy people are guarding this secret so closely is that, unlike solar power or wind power, magnetic energy IS a viable option for regular homeowners. Solar panels and wind turbines are costly and can be problematic to install, as well as being dependant on the weather, but magnetic energy generators are cheap to build, take up little space and are free to run, making them an ideal solution for anyone, anywhere.

We're so used to our power supply being there at the flick of a switch that we take it for granted and forget how bad for the environment it actually is but it's time we take responsibility and make a stand against the companies who are destroying the Earth for the sake of their own greed and make a conscious decision to protect our environment for future generations to enjoy.

With the right instructions, a magnetic power generator is fairly easy and inexpensive to build. It needs hardly any maintenance and produces no harmful by-products. It doesn't take up much room and really can be used in any situation and under any weather conditions. 
Just because the power companies don't want you to know about a free, sustainable and green energy solution doesn't mean one doesn't exist so if you like the idea of cutting your electricity bills in half (at least!) - then join the ever-increasing community of people who are taking matters into their own hands and become responsible for the powering of your own home or business.

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