Health & Medical Food & Drink

Are You Eating Healthy? Learn the Difference Between Processed Foods and Organic Whole Foods!

Organic and whole foods are a main part in Agricultural and farming here in America.
In order for food two be considered Organic here in the states it must be 95% made from all natural products.
Witch means that the land it's grown on, the water that's pored into it, and also there can be no added hormones or pesticides.
Past history agriculture can be described as organic, because there was very few synthetic chemicals add two the food products.
The United States, Canada, and Japan currently make farmers and producers get a certification that stats that they are knowledgeable, comfortable, and are held two higher standers of farming, in order two farm "Organic foods".
Processed food and food that contain added synthetic chemicals in order two enhance the flavored or two create a longer shelf life, is very bad for the human body.
Processed foods are a means of preparing foods using techniques that can transform food into ready two eat products.
Harvested food, butchered meats, and raw ingredients are usually blended with chemicals and other ingredients in order two create the final products.
Processed foods got really popular in the 19th and 20th century in order to serve military specifications.
Processed foods can bring down the quality and lower the natural value of food ingredients, and it can also bring unnatural hazards that are not in organic foods.
With processed foods come, processed fats, witch can lead two obesity, and can cause artery, and even heart problems.
The problem with processed foods is that; all those chemicals that are being injected into the food are also being placed into your body, and effects from all these chemicals can vary.
As a chef I personally like two stay with organic whole foods because I know where my food is coming from and what is in side it.
I hope this information has helped you under stand the differences between the two types of food procedures.

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