Health & Medical Food & Drink

Organic Milk, Simply a Better Choice

Organic milk, though more costly than regular milk, is worth the expense because it is healthier than regular milk, it tastes better than regular milk, and purchasing it promotes natural farming methods.
Organic milk has been taken from cows raised on pasture, without having been given hormones or antibiotics in their lifetime that could affect the quality of the milk.
The pastures in which these cows are grazing are also untreated with fertilizers and pesticides.
Regular milk is milk from cows that have been given hormones to promote greater milk output and have been kept in small stalls and fed grains that have often been genetically enhanced.
Health standards are in place to ensure that those cows that were given an antibiotic are removed from milk production until the antibiotic is fully out of their system.
There is regular testing done to insure that there are no antibiotics present in organic milk.
There are many differences between organic and regular milk.
Important differences are the vitamins and minerals that are in organic versus regular milk, and the taste.
Anyone who drinks organic milk much is going to find it difficult to go back to the regular cow's milk as organic milk tastes much better.
Perhaps even more important is the fact it includes a considerably greater quantity of vitamins and other healthy nutrients.
Not only does it have 50% more Vitamin E than regular milk, it also boasts 75% more beta carotene and three times more antioxidants than regular milk contains.
It also promotes as having essential Omega 3 fatty acids due to the fact that these cows often graze on red clover which is naturally rich in Omega 3.
However, it must be noted that the quantity of the Omega 3 is not a significant addition it.
It also has 500% more Conjugated linoleic acid than does the milk from the fodder-fed dairy animals.
This CLA that is found in the milk will increase metabolic rates and reduce abdominal fat and lower cholesterol.
It is also a factor in increased immunity.
Organic milk production promotes naturalized farming methods.
The cows that give organic milk are raised more humanely and naturally than are other dairy cattle.
Cows on organic farms tend to lead happy lives that are also free of the typical stressors that other dairy cows endure.
They are allowed to roam freely in the pasture, getting exercise, and eating fresh grass and clover at their own pace as opposed to being constantly stalled and fed engineered grain mixtures in efforts to force them to produce greater quantities of milk than is natural.
Organic milk is healthier, tastes better, and fosters a natural and stress-free state for the cows that produce it.
Many people who drink milk that is from an organic dairy feel that it well worth paying more for this product as is significantly superior to the alternative.

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