Business & Finance Blogging

3 Mistakes Bloggers Make Building Readership - Which Ones Are You Making?

Getting eyeballs to their blog is a universal concern amount bloggers.
Their primary focus is all about the traffic they are getting, and how they can increase their readership.
It is seen as a badge of honor to have high readership, and there can never be enough traffic as far as they are concerned.
Sometimes bloggers will get so caught up in traffic numbers.
They will do things which are counter productive to their blogs.
This quest can become a fertile breeding ground for making mistakes.
The amazing thing is no level of experience is immune from this problem.
Any one can fall into this trap if they are not careful.
Here are 3 of the biggest mistakes made by people trying to drive traffic to their blogs...
Drive Unfocused Traffic -
This mistake is most often made by newer bloggers.
The have spent time and effort putting up content, and desperately want people to start showing up.
These newbies start to wonder if all their effort will pay-off.
After pouring hours into a new blog people want some type of traffic...
any type of traffic.
Focused, unfocused or anything in between.
Just so long as its a visitor.
These newbies fall for false promises of cheap hits, and out of desperation will try anything.
Unfortunately, these don't deliver and leave the blogger with a bad experience.
Do nothing -
Some folks will do noting to get traffic.
These guys believe their content alone will carry the day, and deliver the readers.
They will only write posts and follow the hope strategy.
They hope people will find them, and read what they have written.
This method might have worked back in the days when blogs were counted in the thousands, but today it is a different story.
Blogs number in the millions, and each one is competing for readers.
It takes more than content to attract visitors.
Only Use one or two methods -
This one is not much better than the mistake above.
Usually what happens is they stumble upon one method that works like gangbusters.
It brings so many visitors they start thinking there's no reason to do any more.
They become complacent, and believe it will never end.
The problems is that eventually one if not both tactics stop producing.
The traffic gravy train grinds to a halt.
Then as quickly as the ride begins it's over.
And since no other methods are being used, the blogger starts scrambling.

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