Health & Medical Nutrition

Treatment For Mood Disorders

By Danielle Bryck

How I came to look for a treatment for mood disorders

Mood Disorders can be hard to talk about let alone deal with. Society is having a hard time coming around to the understanding that mental illness is an actual illness and not just something that someone made up so that they could be grumpy and lazy all the time.

I was diagnosed with bipolar disorder about 5 years ago. Before that I was diagnosed with general anxiety disorder, and ADHD. I spent many years self medicating and when that wasn't working for me anymore I started talking to my doctor about what else I could do.

I started talking prescription medications to help with my problem. When one didn't seem to be fixing all the problems they put me on two, and then three. In the end I was taking 5 different medications at the same time and was totally numb to the world but it didn't take the problems away.

At this point I had also gained 30lb, a side effect of one of the drugs, and ill tell you gaining weight does not help you get over being depressed. It just makes it worse.

Finally I realized that there was no magic pill that was going to fix my life. I needed to make some lifestyle changes or just deal with the misery that I was sitting in.

The treatment for mood disorders that changed my life

There is more than one way to deal with Mood Disorders. Depending on where you are at and what kind of changes you are willing to make it can be easy or it can be hard. For me it was somewhere in the middle. I was ready for a new life but the changes I needed to make were to a way of living I had never experience before.

In order to manage my mood disorder I had to start paying attention to what I was putting in my body. I started eating better and exercising. I don't say ‘working out' because I hate ‘working out' but I do like getting out of the house and being active so I hike and walk my dogs.

The big change in dealing with my mood disorder came when I found some high quality, pharmaceutical supplements. Within weeks I started to feel better. I was more in control of my life and my emotions. After this my life just continued to get better.

I didnt just jump into this, I stated by doing a lot of research about how vitamins could help me and then more research to find a company that had a product that met my standards. All of the work has paid off but it wasnt easy to make the change from the search for the magic pill to healthy living. Healthy living is a lifestyle change but I was at the end of my rope and desperate to make a change. I am so happy that I did.

If you are interested in what I am doing that has turned my life around and in learnign more about this treatment for mood disorders click here and let me help you find what works for you.

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