- 1). Place the stone on an old blanket. Mark where you want to cut it with chalk. Mark all the way around the stone, as this indicates where you want to split it. Mark both sides of the stone. Repeat for each stone for the stone walls.
- 2). Score each stone with a circular saw. Insert a silicone-carbide or diamond cutting masonry blade in the circular saw; these blades work well when cutting stone. Score each stone approximately ¼ inch deep. Repeat for each side of the stone. Keep the stones wet while scoring them with a garden hose to reduce dust.
- 3). Place a 2-by-4 lumber board under the stone. Strike the chalk line with a maul, and a pitching chisel. This removes the part of the stone you want removed. Repeat for each stone.
- 4). Remove any jagged edges or undesired bumps with a pointing chisel and mail. Position the pointing chisel at a 30- to 40-degree angle and strike it with your maul. Repeat for each jagged edge or bump until satisfied.
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