Health & Medical Skin Conditions & Dermatology

Great Skin Care Tips and Strategies to Keep Oily Face Blues Away

Nothing quite beats the irritation that comes with having your oily shine come back a few hours into your day. Let's say that, while you are at your job, you run into a supervisor or other important person. Then, after a few minutes, you happen to pass a mirror. The reflection from your face is so embarrassing you want to hide in the closet. Has this ever happened to you before? One of the very worst things you can do is to scrub the crap out of your face with bathroom soap. But the frustration is understandable if it compels you to do that. When you do this you dry out your face which increases oil production and leaves you stuck with oily face shine for the rest of your work day. Overly dry facial skin sends a message to your oil glands that they need to work hard. They then switch over to "gung ho" in an effort to moisten your skin. This happens all the time and if you keep reading you'll find lots of ways to make it stop.

A long term solution for reducing the oil on your face is to, believe it or not, regularly use moisturizer. Before you go to bed each night (every night), take off your makeup, wash your face in a good cleanser and put on a small dab of moisturizer. It is important that you use the very best products for your skin type. As a footnote, the best products for you does not mean the most expensive, either. Lots of natural astringents are affordable and, if you like, you an even make your own for not a lot of money. You might not believe this but cold (pure) water is a wonderful natural astringent. If you love wearing makeup, are you sure that you have chosen products that won't worsen your condition? In addition, do you wear a lot of makeup or a heavy amount of it? If you wear a lot of make-up, then you need to work harder to keep your skin clean or wear less make-up. This is because it is possible that your skin is making more oil than usual in an attempt to clean the heavy makeup out of your pores. You should also be sure of the ingredients because you want to avoid any skin care product containing oil derived ingredients. The simple reason is you don't want to pour gas on the fire.

If possible, and you're not wearing your make-up, wash your face using only pure water and nothing else. Many people hate the idea of using tap water in the US because it usually contains chlorine and fluoride. If you are able to, use filtered water. It's a good idea to use a faucet mounted purifier to get as much chlorine out as possible. Chlorine sucks the moisture out of your skin and you don't want that. It is important, as we always say, to use a water based moisturizer. The water will wash away impurities and dirt and the moisturizer keeps your skin moist. After you've made some positive changes to the way you care for your skin, you should see great results like the end to your oily skin at work issue. The time this takes doesn't need to be huge to yield the results that you will find most impressive.

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