Technology Networking & Internet

How to Get Around Proxy Blockers

    • 1). Locate a recently created proxy. Most proxy-blocking software will gather a list of the most popular proxies and ban those sites individually. Using a proxy server that was created in the past 48 hours increases your chance of finding an unblocked proxy. Check the Resource section for links to recently created proxies.

    • 2). Use a proxy website that does not include the word "proxy" in the address bar. Filtering software frequently blocks websites based on words alone. Any website that has the word proxy in its address can be a red flag to proxy-blocking software.

    • 3). Use private proxy servers. Most public proxy servers are banned within a month of going online by the best blocking software. You will have to pay for access to a private proxy, but the prices are reasonable. Private proxies are less likely to be blocked because public access is denied. This makes it harder for proxy blockers to detect.

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