Want to Function at Your Highest Level? You May Need More Than Just the Perfect Diet
There are many ways to take control of your life.
One of the things that is within our control to change is our physical appearance.
It does take determination, many people find it easy to start a diet or workout routine, but fail to make it a habit of their life.
When they gain the weight back, they claim diets and gyms don't work.
I have found that if you can stick a routine for four weeks, you will: a) start to see results and b) accept this as a regular part of your life.
Seeing results is one of the best motivators that I have found to keep working out.
As you see the inches peeling off, you gain the confidence that you need to get back at it the next day.
Visualizations of a thinner, healthier self are validated with every ounce that you lose.
One of the best things about being healthy is the feeling that you get.
By working out regularly you are creating changes in your brain chemistry.
The release of serotonin and endorphins make you a happier and more grounded person, able to deal with life challenges more effectively and with less stress.
Another aspect of creating perfect health is receiving the right nutrients.
We all know what healthy food is, but even eating the best organic leafy greens that you can find doesn't insure that you are receiving all the nutrients that you need.
Supplements are an excellent way to make sure you are getting what you need to function at your highest level.
Think of supplements as your insurance policy.
You can choose the best food out of what is available, but due to the depletion of soils and the fact that fruit is shipped green and expected to ripen in transit, we are no longer receiving the full spectrum of nutrients that we need.
The benefits of staying healthy: 1) Hopefully you can stay out of the doctor office, and lessen the chance of degenerative diseases.
Staying fit also allows you to be physically younger than your chronological age.
As we advance in age, we can lose muscle tone, mass and flexibility.
So it is important that you exercise, and get the best nutrition that you can no matter what your age.
2) The feeling of confidence that you can gain from feeling good and liking how you look.
This self confidence will have an uplifting effect on many areas of your life.
3) The additional energy that you have available for anything you wish to do.
Creating a source of positive energy in your life helps to manifest a life better than you could have ever imagined.
One of the things that is within our control to change is our physical appearance.
It does take determination, many people find it easy to start a diet or workout routine, but fail to make it a habit of their life.
When they gain the weight back, they claim diets and gyms don't work.
I have found that if you can stick a routine for four weeks, you will: a) start to see results and b) accept this as a regular part of your life.
Seeing results is one of the best motivators that I have found to keep working out.
As you see the inches peeling off, you gain the confidence that you need to get back at it the next day.
Visualizations of a thinner, healthier self are validated with every ounce that you lose.
One of the best things about being healthy is the feeling that you get.
By working out regularly you are creating changes in your brain chemistry.
The release of serotonin and endorphins make you a happier and more grounded person, able to deal with life challenges more effectively and with less stress.
Another aspect of creating perfect health is receiving the right nutrients.
We all know what healthy food is, but even eating the best organic leafy greens that you can find doesn't insure that you are receiving all the nutrients that you need.
Supplements are an excellent way to make sure you are getting what you need to function at your highest level.
Think of supplements as your insurance policy.
You can choose the best food out of what is available, but due to the depletion of soils and the fact that fruit is shipped green and expected to ripen in transit, we are no longer receiving the full spectrum of nutrients that we need.
The benefits of staying healthy: 1) Hopefully you can stay out of the doctor office, and lessen the chance of degenerative diseases.
Staying fit also allows you to be physically younger than your chronological age.
As we advance in age, we can lose muscle tone, mass and flexibility.
So it is important that you exercise, and get the best nutrition that you can no matter what your age.
2) The feeling of confidence that you can gain from feeling good and liking how you look.
This self confidence will have an uplifting effect on many areas of your life.
3) The additional energy that you have available for anything you wish to do.
Creating a source of positive energy in your life helps to manifest a life better than you could have ever imagined.