Travel & Places Camping

How to Make Light Weight Camping Equipment

    How to make a water bladder

    • 1). Purchase grocery items that hold liquid in plastic bladders, such as boxed wine. These bladders are comparable to those found in sporting goods stores but less expensive.

    • 2). Drink the liquid and rinse the empty bladder. Use caution when removing the top so you do not tear the back or damage the lid.

    • 3). Fill the bladder with water and place in your pack. Plastic water bottles take up space in a pack whether they are empty or full. Bladders hold multiple liters of water and are collapsible when empty. Bladders weigh about two ounces and are made from durable plastic that is not likely to tear in your pack.

    How to make a cook stove

    • 1). Use a scissors to cut off a pop can approximately 1 inch from the bottom. This small piece will be the top of the cook stove. Cut the other can 1 1/2 inches from the bottom. This will be the base of the cook stove.

    • 2). Drill 18 to 30 holes around the edge of the top can and four or five holes in the center using a 1/16-inch drill bit.

    • 3). Cut the outside of the top can vertically, six to eight times. The cuts should reach the rounded edge of the can but not pass it.

    • 4). Fill the base can 5/8 full with perlite.

    • 5). Press the top can bottom-side-up inside the base.

    • 6). Fill stove half full with alcohol and light. Hold a flame over the burner holes along the edge of the stove to light. If the stove does not light, tip it slightly to expose some of the alcohol along the rim and reapply flame.

    • 7). Bend a wire coat hanger in a shape that will hold a pot or other cookware steady above the stove. The shape of the wire will depend on the cookware shape and weight. Adjust the wire until you find a suitable and steady shape.

    How to prepare a tarp tent

    • 1). Purchase a tarp that is slightly longer than your body. Any size larger than your body will work, however a smaller tent will be lighter.

    • 2). Cut 1/4 inch rope into several 3- to 4-foot sections.

    • 3). Tie each section to the grommets on the tarp's edge. These rope sections will be used to secure to tarp to trees and stakes during setup.

    • 4). Pitch the tent on a flat section of ground. Tie the rope to nearby trees to form an overhead shelter. If no trees are available, use sticks to prop the tarp ends and stakes to tighten the rope.

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