How to Socialize Your Puppy
Puppy socialization starts with your immediate family.
Teaching these skills from an early age will ensure that your dog will be a joy to have around.
Not only will your family feel secure, but he will be trusted throughout your community.
A poorly socialized dog can be dangerous, especially around young children who tend to become overzealous when playing with pets.
A dog must be taught patience and learn to recognize non-threatening actions from family members, friends and other dogs.
Socializing your puppy will keep him safe as well as those around him.
He will be able to adapt to various activities and know how to react properly in these situations, such as a visit to the vet or groomer.
This training should begin before twelve weeks of age if possible, as this is an important learning period in its life when temperament develops and habits become ingrained.
We will first discuss the do's and then move on to what should always be avoided.
Puppy socializing activities should always be made pleasant and done in a non threatening manner.
Making sure the pup is well fed and rested is always a good idea.
If the dog is frightened or threatened, he may develop a phobia and react negatively the next time he is exposed to the situation.
A dog remembers unpleasant surroundings.
Invite your friends over to meet your pup.
Have them bring their kids.
Your dog needs to be exposed to all sorts of people, sniff them out and get to know them better.
Encourage people to bring their dog along as well, if it is even tempered.
Meeting other dogs and young puppies is healthy and you will be able to see how he reacts to different breeds.
Taking him to various places from the beginning will get him to know the outside world.
The park, a pet store where they allow pets is perfect.
Your dog will interact with various other types of animals at a pet store and become familiar with their smells and sounds, and maybe even make some new friends! Frequent car rides are a favorite for most pups as well.
Getting your puppy used to various noises such as the vacuum cleaner, hair dryers, etc will ensure he won't become startled when out on a visit and react negatively.
Here are some puppy socialization don'ts to remember.
Never put the pup on the ground when a strange animal is approaching.
This could cause an attack or unwanted attention.
Do not reward fearful behavior by trying to sooth the pup.
Fear- based behavior can lead to biting as a means of self defense.
Do not force your dog to approach anyone or any thing if he appears apprehensive.
By allowing your pup to go at his own pace when socializing you lessen the chance of injury or intimidation.
Take things slow and don't do too much at a time or your pup will be too overwhelmed to take it all in.
Teaching these skills from an early age will ensure that your dog will be a joy to have around.
Not only will your family feel secure, but he will be trusted throughout your community.
A poorly socialized dog can be dangerous, especially around young children who tend to become overzealous when playing with pets.
A dog must be taught patience and learn to recognize non-threatening actions from family members, friends and other dogs.
Socializing your puppy will keep him safe as well as those around him.
He will be able to adapt to various activities and know how to react properly in these situations, such as a visit to the vet or groomer.
This training should begin before twelve weeks of age if possible, as this is an important learning period in its life when temperament develops and habits become ingrained.
We will first discuss the do's and then move on to what should always be avoided.
Puppy socializing activities should always be made pleasant and done in a non threatening manner.
Making sure the pup is well fed and rested is always a good idea.
If the dog is frightened or threatened, he may develop a phobia and react negatively the next time he is exposed to the situation.
A dog remembers unpleasant surroundings.
Invite your friends over to meet your pup.
Have them bring their kids.
Your dog needs to be exposed to all sorts of people, sniff them out and get to know them better.
Encourage people to bring their dog along as well, if it is even tempered.
Meeting other dogs and young puppies is healthy and you will be able to see how he reacts to different breeds.
Taking him to various places from the beginning will get him to know the outside world.
The park, a pet store where they allow pets is perfect.
Your dog will interact with various other types of animals at a pet store and become familiar with their smells and sounds, and maybe even make some new friends! Frequent car rides are a favorite for most pups as well.
Getting your puppy used to various noises such as the vacuum cleaner, hair dryers, etc will ensure he won't become startled when out on a visit and react negatively.
Here are some puppy socialization don'ts to remember.
Never put the pup on the ground when a strange animal is approaching.
This could cause an attack or unwanted attention.
Do not reward fearful behavior by trying to sooth the pup.
Fear- based behavior can lead to biting as a means of self defense.
Do not force your dog to approach anyone or any thing if he appears apprehensive.
By allowing your pup to go at his own pace when socializing you lessen the chance of injury or intimidation.
Take things slow and don't do too much at a time or your pup will be too overwhelmed to take it all in.