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Choose the Body Cleansing Method That Suits You Best

If you are thinking about giving your body a total cleanse, you should know that there are many body cleansing methods to choose from. Depending on your lifestyle and preferences, you can try: 1. Water or juice fasting With this method, you will only drink water or a certain juice for a specific period of time to lower the toxin levels in your body, giving it time to heal itself. 2. Parasite cleanse This method consists on ingesting pills and tinctures created out of herbs that taste bitter so as to repel the parasites inside of you. 3. Contrast showerIn this method, you take a shower switching between hot and cold water to improve your circulation. It helps cleanse your body so as to fortify your immune system. The body takes in more oxygen, more immune cells, and more of other nutrients to restore damaged tissue. 4. Yoga and other exercisesExercising is a great way to cleanse your body naturally. With exercise, the body gets more oxygen and your circulation improves. Through sweating, your body’s pores open up and release harmful toxins. 5. Raw food dietThis method will help you ingest more nutrients. Your body needs time to adjust to new, healthier foods, and get used to its new lifestyle. 6. Skin brushingThis method feels very good, exfoliates your skin, and opens up the pores for toxins to get out. If you dry brush before bed you will prevent dead skin from getting all over your sheets and you will prevent fleas. 7. Sun tanningYes, sun tanning is truly beneficial when practiced in moderation. Thirty minutes of sun a day can help your body get rid of toxins in a natural way. It will also encourage the natural production of the very beneficial vitamin D. If you only want to clean one part of your body, there are more specific methods to cleanse the colon, the liver, or the kidneys. In any case, any body cleansing method is difficult in the beginning, so perseverance is a must. If you liked this article, tell all your friends about it. They’ll thank you for it. If you have a blog or website, you can link to it or even post it to your own site (don’t forget to mention as the original source). George DeJohn is the author of “3 Minutes to a Strong Mind and a Fit Body” and the creator of the 21-Day Full Body Cleanse system. George is the author of a very successful blog on healthy living, weight loss and stress elimination:

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