Oil Change Coupons: A Great Reminder
Oprah did it. She always had her mammogram on her birthday. Some people participate in the Sacrament of Confession on their birthdays. Why not snag an oil change coupon and make a commitment to pull into the garage on your birthday. Have your spouse make a commitment on another day. The Saturday before the Super Bowl, the morning of your regions rival football game, another birthday, etc. Even if you are only making the commitment twice a year, it is better than forgetting all together.
Technology, some argue, has hurt our memories more than it has helped progression. Who can remember phone numbers, addresses, or dates anymore? Your phone does it all for you. Guess what else it does? It can remember when you need car maintenance, schedule it for you, and find a great oil change coupon. All you need to do is go when and where it tells you to. How does this work, you may ask? There are an infinite number of Apps for an infinite number of purposes. Just go to your devices App store, or have your teen or grandkid do so for you, and find an App that works for you. There will be some initial input for the App (short for application), but with a time commitment on your part, you can join an App that will let you know when a repair or maintenance is impending. It can guesstimate your mileage, keep track of time between maintenances, and it you choose to work with an App from the specific company you choose to do business with, it may even be able to remind you call for an appointment or even make that appointment for you. Who cares if you cannot remember a phone number? That is so last century.
If you just are not a techy, it is likely that some youngster in the family is. Make it a teen's responsibility to track and remember your car maintenance needs. This is a great lesson in responsibility, a great way to free your mind for other parenting worries, and a great incentive to teach your kid about owning a car. If he forgets about the maintenance, he cannot have his driving privileges. Score! Two bird's one handy, devious stone. If you feel like using positive reinforcement, allow your child to keep the savings scored from any oil change coupons he is able to provide you for the service.
Technology, some argue, has hurt our memories more than it has helped progression. Who can remember phone numbers, addresses, or dates anymore? Your phone does it all for you. Guess what else it does? It can remember when you need car maintenance, schedule it for you, and find a great oil change coupon. All you need to do is go when and where it tells you to. How does this work, you may ask? There are an infinite number of Apps for an infinite number of purposes. Just go to your devices App store, or have your teen or grandkid do so for you, and find an App that works for you. There will be some initial input for the App (short for application), but with a time commitment on your part, you can join an App that will let you know when a repair or maintenance is impending. It can guesstimate your mileage, keep track of time between maintenances, and it you choose to work with an App from the specific company you choose to do business with, it may even be able to remind you call for an appointment or even make that appointment for you. Who cares if you cannot remember a phone number? That is so last century.
If you just are not a techy, it is likely that some youngster in the family is. Make it a teen's responsibility to track and remember your car maintenance needs. This is a great lesson in responsibility, a great way to free your mind for other parenting worries, and a great incentive to teach your kid about owning a car. If he forgets about the maintenance, he cannot have his driving privileges. Score! Two bird's one handy, devious stone. If you feel like using positive reinforcement, allow your child to keep the savings scored from any oil change coupons he is able to provide you for the service.