Bird Poop Happens - How to Remove The Stains
As you know, poop happens. Birds seem to know when you are trying to impress others or dressed in your best clothes and late for a meeting. But actually, bird droppings can happen anytime and on any fabric that is outside. (One of the hazards of outdoor clotheslines).
As soon as you can, remove the garment and from the back of the fabric flush the poop covered area with cold water. This will push the poop away from the surface of the fibers.
Do not use hot water because the protein in the droppings will "cook" to the fibers.
If you can't remove your clothes, and you can stand it, let the bird droppings dry. While the droppings are wet, rubbing the area will only push the matter deeper into the fabric.
Once it is dry, use a dull knife or spoon to scrape off the droppings. Next, wash as soon as possible following the care label. It's important to wash the garment or take it to a dry cleaner as soon as you can (especially if it is good clothes) because most bird droppings are highly acidic and can discolor fabric.
If you can't remove your clothes or don't have the time or stomach to let the poop dry, use the edge of a credit card or plastic knife to scoop away as much of the moist poop as possible. Try not to smear! Then wet a paper towel and blot the stain moving to a clean spot on the towel each time. NO RUBBING...just blotting until no more poop is transferred to the paper towel. Allow to air dry.
If your outdoor umbrella or furniture was bombed, follow these tips for removing the splatter.
How to Clean Outdoor Umbrellas
How to Clean and Remove Stains From Outdoor Furniture