Apply Online Visa for Vietnam
Today in the advanced world of information technology anyone from anywhere can obtain their visa for Vietnam via internet. You can simply log in on some reputed websites dealing with visa to Vietnam and order for your visa online. Here you don't have to wait and waste your precious time which you normally do when you apply through Vietnamese embassies of your country. It is very simple and straightforward procedure to order for a Vietnam visa here. You simply have to mark a mail for Vietnam visa and you will receive your stamped visa on your arrival to airport. Interesting part is that the entire process only takes 12 to 24 working hours, but this is only applicable for urgent situations. So, go online and apply for your visa to Vietnam now. However, there are certain pointers to be considered while applying for your visa to Vietnam.
Firstly, you have to get the visa code. There are mainly two methods to get a visa code. Either you can apply visa for Vietnam visiting any consulates situated in your country or else you can directly apply it from Vietnam embassy of your country. But remember, the stamping fees are the main thing to get visa code and you have to ensure it in prior. Every country has their own rate for stamping fees so make it clear by issuing unit before applying. But the normal stamping fees is $50.
But when you apply through any reputed website then you will obtain your visa for Vietnam conveniently. Here you will get an opportunity to apply for visa code directly from Vietnam Immigration Office. And after applying, the Immigration officers will be responsible to send the approval code of visa to the embassy of Vietnam of your country. Now the only thing you have to do is to produce your valid passport in the Vietnam embassy of your country and they will provide you the visa for Vietnam. The Immigration officers will normally take 48 working hours to send your visa code to the embassy. So, it is recommended that after applying for visa code you should go at least after 48 hours to receive your visa code from the embassy. During these 48 hours the embassy checks the information provided by you with the Immigration Department.
To progress the visa approval code you are asked to pay the service fees either through credit card or through net banking. But you have to pay the stamping fees directly at the issuing unit of embassy to obtain your visa code. As already mentioned that the fees may vary depending on the country you stay.
There are some selected countries where the procedure of obtaining a visa for Vietnam is comparatively convenient and fast. Some of such countries are Cambodia, Laos, and China. Therefore, it is recommended that to receive your visa approval code you have to visit the embassy in person. And the rest of the procedure can be handled through internet.
Firstly, you have to get the visa code. There are mainly two methods to get a visa code. Either you can apply visa for Vietnam visiting any consulates situated in your country or else you can directly apply it from Vietnam embassy of your country. But remember, the stamping fees are the main thing to get visa code and you have to ensure it in prior. Every country has their own rate for stamping fees so make it clear by issuing unit before applying. But the normal stamping fees is $50.
But when you apply through any reputed website then you will obtain your visa for Vietnam conveniently. Here you will get an opportunity to apply for visa code directly from Vietnam Immigration Office. And after applying, the Immigration officers will be responsible to send the approval code of visa to the embassy of Vietnam of your country. Now the only thing you have to do is to produce your valid passport in the Vietnam embassy of your country and they will provide you the visa for Vietnam. The Immigration officers will normally take 48 working hours to send your visa code to the embassy. So, it is recommended that after applying for visa code you should go at least after 48 hours to receive your visa code from the embassy. During these 48 hours the embassy checks the information provided by you with the Immigration Department.
To progress the visa approval code you are asked to pay the service fees either through credit card or through net banking. But you have to pay the stamping fees directly at the issuing unit of embassy to obtain your visa code. As already mentioned that the fees may vary depending on the country you stay.
There are some selected countries where the procedure of obtaining a visa for Vietnam is comparatively convenient and fast. Some of such countries are Cambodia, Laos, and China. Therefore, it is recommended that to receive your visa approval code you have to visit the embassy in person. And the rest of the procedure can be handled through internet.