Technology Electronics

Video: Downloading a Korean Keyboard to the iPhone

Video Transcript

Hey, I'm Skylar. If you'd like to add an international keyboard to your iPhone so that you can type in a language other than the default, follow along with these steps. Tap "Settings," and then tap "General." Swipe down to the bottom of General and tap, "International." Under International, tap "Keyboard," and then tap, "Add New Keyboard." Swipe down until you see the language that you're looking for, tap it, and now you've added the keyboard. So, let's go to an application such as Mail, where we can test it out. I'm gonna tap "Compose," and tap down here. In the lower left-hand corner, you'll see this globe. This allows you to toggle between the keyboards that you've selected. If you rest your finger on it, you'll see a list of those keyboard, and you can swipe up and down in order to highlight, and then release in order to select the keyboard you want to use. That's it. I'm Skylar. Thanks for watching.

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