You Can Have It All With A Great Bamboo Flooring In Brisbane
There is nothing like wooden flooring, it is both stylish and functional. It is incredibly easy to keep clean and it is durable, even getting better with age. However, there are a number of drawbacks to using traditional woods for your flooring, from cost and installation through to the environmental consequences of hard wood forests being felled. Fortunately, there is a happy middle ground where you can get the most stunning and functional wooden flooring with none of the drawbacks. That is right, you can have the looks and performance of a wooden floor with none of the negative consequences. The answer to your prayers is bamboo. You can get great bamboo flooring the performs better than other woods, is environmentally sustainable and is well priced And get great in Brisbane, Melbourne and everywhere else now.
Bamboo is actually a giant grass that has been around for 200 million years which after full growth before harvesting is denser and stronger than traditional hardwoods. A truly natural renewable resource that replaces itself every 5-6 years providing food, employment and housing to the farmers and factory workers. Compare this to the hard woods which take many centuries to grow and you can see why bamboo is why better to use on your floors, it only takes a few years to grow back compared to half a millennium.
But it is not only the environment that wins, so will your wallet. In price to traditional floating hardwood flooring. The properties of bamboo that make it regenerate rapidly make it a serious alternative, saving our Australian forests for future generations. Price is always an issue but when compared to any hardwood floor is generally less expensive by 10% to 30% depending on the timber species.
Timber floors have 3 grades such as Select Grade (very little feature), Standard (has feature vein line faults) and Feature (builders quality) what is left over from Select and Standard showing a lot of vein lines and is sold at a price point with many faults causing wastage.
As another massive advantage, bamboo flooring is 99 percent resistant to termites, just giving it yet another string to its bow. This is a great bonus when you want bamboo flooring in Sydney, where termites cause millions of dollars damage each and every year.
Get great save your wallet and the world, it is a win win situation.
You can have it all with a bamboo floor!
Bamboo is actually a giant grass that has been around for 200 million years which after full growth before harvesting is denser and stronger than traditional hardwoods. A truly natural renewable resource that replaces itself every 5-6 years providing food, employment and housing to the farmers and factory workers. Compare this to the hard woods which take many centuries to grow and you can see why bamboo is why better to use on your floors, it only takes a few years to grow back compared to half a millennium.
But it is not only the environment that wins, so will your wallet. In price to traditional floating hardwood flooring. The properties of bamboo that make it regenerate rapidly make it a serious alternative, saving our Australian forests for future generations. Price is always an issue but when compared to any hardwood floor is generally less expensive by 10% to 30% depending on the timber species.
Timber floors have 3 grades such as Select Grade (very little feature), Standard (has feature vein line faults) and Feature (builders quality) what is left over from Select and Standard showing a lot of vein lines and is sold at a price point with many faults causing wastage.
As another massive advantage, bamboo flooring is 99 percent resistant to termites, just giving it yet another string to its bow. This is a great bonus when you want bamboo flooring in Sydney, where termites cause millions of dollars damage each and every year.
Get great save your wallet and the world, it is a win win situation.
You can have it all with a bamboo floor!