Family & Relationships

You Can"t Bear To Look At Your Feet and Legs!

I find pregnancy to be a beautiful occurrence, with the participation of both the man and woman, God enables both to create a precious human being, bringing the cherished baby (or babies) into the world. There are different stages in pregnancy, accompanying some standards symptoms that are present in pregnancy, and sometimes unusual symptoms arise in some pregnancies that are not so common.

The symptoms I would like to talk about has to do with the legs and feet.

Let's talk about the feet first. Sometimes your feet become swollen. This is because some of the excess, floating fluids in your body needs a place to settle. Due to gravity, the fluids decide to settle to the bottom part of your body, your feet. I am so blessed in this area in that I do not have this hint until about two weeks before I delivery. Thank God! My feet do not swell up real big. It is not even enough for me to say that I am uncomfortable. Unfortunately, some other women cannot say this. I have seen women with huge feet in the early part of their pregnancy. Usually the feet become swollen the worst in the last part of the pregnancy. If there is pain associated with the swollen feet, it might sometimes lead to more serious problems (for example, circulatory problems). Also if you consume too much sodium while pregnant, this can lead to swollen feet.

Some women tend to develop varicose veins from their pregnancy (pregnancies). Varicose veins is no joke! I do not have varicose veins. Varicose veins is not only a health problem, but it is a very unattractive feature for a woman to acquire. Here are some points to help you avoid this feature: Try to elevate and/or prop your feet while you are sitting, especially if you are sitting for a long time; Watch the amount of sodium you consume (Only add enough salt to your food to taste. Also avoid prepackaged, processed foods. They tend to carry more salt for preservation. Eat healthy.); Drink plenty of water (The amount of water daily a person should consume is eight glasses. I usually drink more water when pregnant because it helps to get rid of the impurities in your body.); Exercise is important and helps your situation. If you do not exercise or move around, your blood isn't circulating. Another precaution you can take is massage your feet. This helps with the circulation of the blood.

If you begin to notice swelling in your hands, then there are probably more serious problems associated with the pregnancy that can be very dangerous. (An example is high blood pressure in pregnancy. If you notice this symptom, you need to get to the doctor as soon as possible because the situation needs to be controlled promptly. This is critical to the health of both you and the baby.) It is important to get the situation of varicose veins under control in that varicose veins can lead to surgery and ultimately the removal of them (Avoid even acquiring varicose veins.)

There are plenty of measures to act upon while you are pregnant, with swollen feet and varicose veins just being two deficiences that should be avoided during most of your pregnancy. I don't want My Man, Edwin Ayala, looking at my legs and see varicose veins everywhere! My goodness! I would passionately love for his beautiful, brown, shiny eyes to behold a lovely pair of legs and pleasant to his sight.

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