Society & Culture & Entertainment Movies

Extra Work for Extra Pay and Pleasure

Film and television 'extra' work can be both fun and financially rewarding.
It is a career that can be embarked upon at any age in your life.
No matter what you look like, whether you are young or old, short or tall, fat or thin, all these characteristics make up the backdrop to many of our favourite movies.
Let me tell you about George.
His story may inspire you to have a go at this kind of work yourself.
George was a relatively successful businessman in his own right.
He had built up a couple of small businesses to the point where he did not have to be there all day, or even every day.
In other words, at the ripe old age of forty five, George had time on his hands.
He had no previous experience in the entertainment industry, although it is fair to say he is a garrulous character.
He certainly had not acted since he was at school, when his appearances were limited to third shepherd in the annual nativity play.
The reason he chose this kind of work was because it gave him freedom.
He could choose when he worked, if he was needed at his business he would not do the other.
Make no mistake, he never let anybody down.
If he said he would do one or the other he did.
George started out by getting a small A4 folded style brochure printed.
Nowadays you can do this on the computer, back then it was not quite so easy.
Anyway, this was his form of business card.
He had a (professional) head and shoulders picture of himself on the front cover.
On the inside he had another full length shot.
On the facing page he had all his details.
Name, contact details, his measurements, and his clothes and shoe sizes.
All this information made it easier for the casting directors to know at a glance if he fitted their criteri for that particular project.
Initially he responded to advertisements in trade publications like the Stage (Variety in the US), and newspapers.
Nowadays it is much easier as many internet sites advertise such vacancies.
As he started to get work and got chatting to others doing the same job, he got to know of the good agents, and before long he was registered with three or four agencies and getting regular offers of work.
He has been doing this work for fifteen years now, and has fully retired from his businesses.
He has appeared alongside some of the biggest names in television and cinema and has even done location work overseas a few times.
George has often been seen, in the background walking the streets of Walford, or mowing a lawn, while all the action takes place in the foreground.

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