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Top 12 Things Motherhood Has Taught Me

I am to give up the idea of going to the bathroom alone, and uninterrupted, until circa 2032, or so.
I will survive! and, will actually not die if: •I dont get to sleep in on Saturday mornings •I wait 1 or 2 more hours to eat my now cold food to ensure my kids have eaten theirs first •My nails are not manicured and my hair is not cut nor straightened •I don't get to hang out with my besties 10.
A poop (from one of my kids, uh-hemm) will make my day! 9.
I CAN wakeup every two hours (or not sleep, at all) and still function.
I may say I'm 20 instead of 30, or that we are in year 2001.
But, at the very least, I am there for my kids.
Who knew I would come to prize the 2:00 am feedings because the warmth and peace from a sleeping baby and a house at rest is an ultimate high for a mother's soul.
When my child is sick, I am always sicker.
Maybe not physically, but mentally and emotionally I hurt for them, I am consumed and nothing else matters but for them to get better.
And when they do, I feel like I've won the lottery! 7.
Wow, my parents sacrificed a lot! 6.
The world is still a playground.
People are still kind.
Life is full of hope and expectancy and Mickey Mouse is still magical.
I'm totally turning into my mom.
My children really do act as a tool for God to discipline me and make ME more like HIM.
I've fallen in love with my children's father all over again.
I could never do any of this without my husband.
My husband is my rock, my encourager, my number 1 fan, self-sacrificial for the kids well-being and the best Mr.
Mom I know of.
He is amazing and such a blessing.
My kids are not perfect.
I totally thought they were.
Its my responsibility to allow them to fail sometimes, to lose sometimes.
And an extra point because I couldn't stop - My sole purpose of living has become to point my children to their Creator.
My biggest dream is to ignite a spark of passion to serve Him and to accomplish great things for His kingdom.
And I am to accomplish this primarily by example, every.
w! Happy Mothers day to all my beautiful friends who are mommas, to my grandmas who are in Heaven and we'll someday meet again to walk on the Streets of gold together, to my mother in law and sisters in law who are moms, to my aunts who are moms, to my cousins who are in the same boat as me, and to my very own mother who holds a very special place in my heart and helps me in ways I never knew I needed help - when the tasks of motherhood sometimes seem overwhelming.
She understands me better than I understand myself.

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