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Doom of The Rock - Kingdom under Fire Circle

Doom of The Rock

Without a lot of gossip, Dwayne ‘The Rock' Johnson ready for a show of force mid-2005 through the latest action movie, Doom. Appointed from video games quite popular, who soared through the trilogy, The lord of the rings. The Chronicles of Riddick and The Bourne Supremacy, Karl Urban.

To further make a spectacular movie full of special effects and creation of space monsters here, Doom given a budget of approximately $ 70 million, including to pay The Rock.
According to the actor's own leaks, Doom will seem incredible talent hard work expert special effects, Stan Winston, who we know thanks to Jurassic Park and Predator. Being the monsters in this film promised to look more real and far from the CGI elements.

Also, The Rock confirmed that Doom movie would be super hard and a lot of fight scenes adult, will be even closer to the action film genre of horror than usual.

A coalition of Earth's scientific and military interests have established a research colony called Olduvai on the planet Mars, but one day all communication from the outpost stops and no one can tell what has happened -- though the final messages suggest it's not good.

The film is mostly filmed in Prague, Rep. This Czech Enda McCallion was about to be worked, but later replaced by Andrzej Bartkowiak, a former cameraman who started slam stir a director since Romeo Must Die.

Meanwhile, the script writer Dave Callahan, claiming the Doom game will keep the atmosphere is so horrendous in 1993 and, although some friends there are in change. Outside the promises of Rock and Callahan, Doom project actually contains a lot of risk.In addition to the game in question was no longer popular, the films are in the lift of the game itself had been almost suffered a tragic fate. Hopefully with the help of Stan Winston, the movie The Rock is really not going to be a "Doom" in the truest sense.


Starring: The Rock Karl UrbanDirected by: Andrzej Bartkowiak

Release: August 5, 2005 (Dimension)

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