Family & Relationships Family & Relationships

Great Methods For Termite Control Discovered

With the advent of the modern home, there are some forms of pest control which must be put in place to make sure that the house stays safe from destruction. Over the last few years, termite treatments have gone a little high-tech since the older method uses too many chemicals. Indeed, people do not really know of the damage the older methods caused and since the public are now more aware of green technology, they often want to do something which does not damage the environment.

With the newer methods of prevention, instead of deep trenches being dug around the building, thin tubes are sunk into the ground. These tubes act as feeding stations for the creatures and they can be monitored, by trained operatives, to make sure that re-infestation does not occur.

With the older methods, the ground had to be drenched with some rather heavy-duty chemicals which would just soak down into the water table eventually. Of course, these do break down over time and this is when re-infestation would come back. The whole routine would have to be started all over again because of this and the whole deal could get rather costly.

With the newer methods, the feeding station is baited with some rather tasty, but poisoned bait for the creature to come and feed on. Since these creatures lay scent trails for their counterparts, once a feeding station has been found, the rest of the colony will automatically follow to this place before too long.

What they do then is to take food back to the colony which eventually would mean that the queen would be killed off. Since she is the only one who produces eggs, the whole colony will eventually die out and the problem is over.

The great thing about this method is twofold. Not only will the toxic chemical drenching be a thing of the past, the tubes will stay in situ for future use should the creatures find this house again. Of course, this will be done under contract by the operatives but if no evidence is seen anymore, the house itself will not have to be repaired anymore.

This method is great for those buildings which hold some historical value since no one would like to see anything dug up which is not absolutely necessary. Imagine the Rose Garden being ripped to pieces all in the name of stopping these creatures from getting into the White House? Indeed, even city buildings could not be disrupted in this way so this method is absolutely perfect.

Finding evidence of these creatures invading the home is not that difficult for sure. Any wooden beams which feel soft to the touch or tubes of brownish earth are both signs that an invasion is taking place. What they are looking for is the cellulose in the wood and they do not distinguish between some old piece of useless wood and the heirloom that granny left for the family. Once signs are seen, it is vital to get expert help very quickly.

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