Health & Medical Hair Health,Hair Loss

Am I Balding? Information to Trust

It's alright to think you are in your early stage of life to be affected by balding but like most cases, the sooner you discover that the better chances it has for treatments and early treatments can give you back that hair.
In case you ignore the signs of balding and finally wake up only when it is too late, then whatever you lost is gone forever.
This is what happens in most cases where people don't recognize and take immediate action.
There are chances of repair even if it's recognized half way, at least not all hair is lost.
If you are one those million people who ask yourself this question "Am I Balding", then this is the right time to look into this.
The first step to treat your balding is to identify the signs for hair loss.
Only when this is recognized can you plan on further treatments.
Every sign has a cause to it and every cause has a specific set of treatment to control falling of hair.
By simply following all these treatment rules, you will not be benefitted but instead might end up losing your entire hair due to lack of focused treatment which might lead up to time loss and thereby hair fall.
The foremost sign of balding is the effect of DHT over the scalp that arrests hair growth and weakens hair follicles.
Hair follicles turn unusually softer and brittle and this, even while you haven't washed your hair for few days.
There's also unusual oiliness on your scalp and you can notice oily patches in your scalp.
The next thing is the thinning of your hair follicles and the breakage of hair shafts.
Your hair might lose its brightness and look dull and limp.
It might require extra care to give that shine and sheen.
There could also be signs of few hair strand sin your brush.
The next sign for balding is receding hairline.
You can test this by pulling your hair up and seeing your hairline.
You might notice a receding pattern that might look like the letter M or is shaped like a horseshoe.
Compare your old photographs to yourself and see the hairline difference to make sure.
You will start noticing more hair strands in your brush in even a couple of strokes.
And in your towel when you dry your hair.
You will also start noticing hair strands on the floor and in the drain after washing hair.
This will eventually result in hair falling in bunches and hairless patches on the scalp.
Besides this there are a few symptoms that might not necessarily be a sign but cannot be ignored as well.
In case of generic or hereditary sign, it's better to be cautious because you stand a high chance of losing hair.
In this case, notice the age and the balding pattern of your family elders to know if you are prone to this and take necessary caution.
Besides all this, emotional stress, work related tension and bad diet can lead to this.
Also, balding starts in late 20s and early 30s for most men and during this period extra hair care are a must.
Am I Balding as a question should now come to you as a warning!

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