Landlord Property Portfolio - For Your Advantage!
Landlord property portfolio is a package which covers a volley of insurance such as building insurance, contents insurance, cover for loss of rent and claim, landlord's liability and legal expenses.
Property portfolio coverage of the landlord: Building Insurance Contents Insurance Cover for loss of rent following a claim Landlord's Liability Legal Expenses Building insurance! Such landlord insurance protects the building as in the exterior part of your house or any business firm, you will be protected from a wide range of building risks such as fire, explosion, storm, flood, theft, vandalism, subsidence and a whole lot more.
Building insurance covers your structural and non-removable parts of your home such as bricks and other mortar fitted kitchens.
These home building insurance covers your building for its full value of rebuilding and complete refitting of your home.
The quality of coverage you receive will definitely be better, if you are getting your insurance done from a reliable insurance company.
Content insurance covers you for a wide array of items in home, items that a landlord owns.
It could be permanent fixtures of your home like your furniture, electronic goods, appliances, clothes, jewelry etc.
It is indispensable to protect your house items which are valuable by covering it under content insurance.
Cover for loss of rent following a claim! Cover for loss of rent is quite important for a landlord, if the tenant defaults on paying the rent or in case there's a calamity and the landlord's property is damaged and he has to move his tenant from the damaged property and incurs a huge loss, in terms of loss of rent other than the damage caused to the property.
Landlord's Liability! Landlord's Liability Insurance for buildings Landlords Content Liability Employer's liability insurance This covers the above two Landlord's Liability Insurance for buildings and Landlords Content Liability along with employer's liability insurance.
This coverage is specially meant for employers, to cover their employees against any accident or injury while at work.
Property portfolio coverage of the landlord: Building Insurance Contents Insurance Cover for loss of rent following a claim Landlord's Liability Legal Expenses Building insurance! Such landlord insurance protects the building as in the exterior part of your house or any business firm, you will be protected from a wide range of building risks such as fire, explosion, storm, flood, theft, vandalism, subsidence and a whole lot more.
Building insurance covers your structural and non-removable parts of your home such as bricks and other mortar fitted kitchens.
These home building insurance covers your building for its full value of rebuilding and complete refitting of your home.
The quality of coverage you receive will definitely be better, if you are getting your insurance done from a reliable insurance company.
Content insurance covers you for a wide array of items in home, items that a landlord owns.
It could be permanent fixtures of your home like your furniture, electronic goods, appliances, clothes, jewelry etc.
It is indispensable to protect your house items which are valuable by covering it under content insurance.
Cover for loss of rent following a claim! Cover for loss of rent is quite important for a landlord, if the tenant defaults on paying the rent or in case there's a calamity and the landlord's property is damaged and he has to move his tenant from the damaged property and incurs a huge loss, in terms of loss of rent other than the damage caused to the property.
Landlord's Liability! Landlord's Liability Insurance for buildings Landlords Content Liability Employer's liability insurance This covers the above two Landlord's Liability Insurance for buildings and Landlords Content Liability along with employer's liability insurance.
This coverage is specially meant for employers, to cover their employees against any accident or injury while at work.