Cures for Telogen Effluvium
- Most people lose approximately 100 hairs a day. This is due to the natural period of growth for a hair. A hair grows for about 4 years (anagen stage) and eventually enters a period of rest (telogen). Eventually, the growth of new hair in the hair follicle pushes it out. When the body experiences a disturbance, the telogen stage might occur early, causing the hair to fall out. This can effect up to 70 percent of the hair on your head, leading to the hair falling out in clumps. This is called acute telogen effluvium.
The actual caused of telogen effluvium are myriad. They can include stress, childbirth, infections or chronic illnesses, surgery, jetlag, thyroid imbalance, and sudden weight loss. Certain types of medications such as non-steroidal anti-inflammatories, beta and calcium channel blockers, and antidepressants, among others, can lead to telogen effluvium as well. - Chronic telogen effluvium typically involves women with thick hair between the ages of 30 and 60 and can last continuously or intermittently for years. It occurs without warning, without an underlying cause and is usually only discovered due to the simple observation of more hair than normal being lost. It does not cause complete baldness, though it may reveal a genetic predisposition to baldness.
- Telogen effluvium, in both its acute and chronic forms, generally resolves on its own over time. There is no standard method of treatment other than treating what may be considered the underlying cause of the condition.
A variety of preventive measures can be followed to ensure hair and overall physical health. Proper hair care, such as using shampoo and conditioner, while avoiding excessive or rough brushing of the hair and scalp massages are suggested.
Diet can be an underlying cause of hair loss. Eating a proper diet rich in fruits, vegetables and protein may help protect against illnesses that cause hair loss.
If there is serious cause for concern, your doctor may check the levels of folic acid, Vitamin B12 and iron, as an associated deficiency can cause telogen effluvium.