Society & Culture & Entertainment Environmental

Green Living - Is it For You?

When it comes to living a greener choice it's hard to decide just how eco-friendly works for us.
From using organic beauty products, to buying organic or fair trade foods, to wearing organic clothing to be willing to drive hybrid cars all depends on how far you are willing to go.
Everything we do leaves a carbon footprint, it's up to us to decide just how big.
Did you know that if 1 out of 5 women demanded that lead be removed from all lipsticks and started refusing to use any lipsticks with lead in them, that the beauty companies would have to change the ingredients? We eat our lipsticks and just think how much lead you are introducing into your body each and every time you wear a lipstick with lead in it.
Not a pleasant thought is it? How about this simple fact.
Did you know that only 1% natural ingredient in a product gives those same beauty companies the right to call their product 'natural' ? Scary thought indeed.
Its understandable that most might not be as 'green' as they could be because someone may of told them that its just to hard to do.
Just how wrong they are! There are simple things that we all can do that are not that hard to do.
For example carpooling is great idea when there is no public transportation available.
With gas prices on the rise, over $4 dollars in most areas in the USA over $10 dollars overseas, carpooling looks to be a great idea.
For all those of us who tend not to eat meat here is some glad news.
Did you know that it takes more energy to produce animal protein over vegetable protein? If you never thought about becoming a vegetarian or just eating less meat and meat by products is good for you and the planet over all.
It cuts down on your personal carbon footprint and is healthier for you to eat more vegetables.
Why not start looking into helping out your local organic farmers by visiting the local farmer markets when ever you can.
The cost of gas is causing prices to rise all over including the grocery store, as well the with food prices going up not visiting your local market for fresher vegetables is a bad idea.
Start looking for products, beauty, food without excessive packaging is also helping save the trees and besides you are just going to throw it away helping fill the landfills even more.
There is no real need for the extra packaging in there is a way to get around it.
Reuse all your boxes you get your packages in if at all possible, we at Overall Beauty try to do that as much as we can.
Ever thought that not asking for a ATM receipt at the gas pump or the bank and anywhere you may get a receipt for something helps reduce your carbon footprint as well? Same as banking online does, and paying your bills online does.
Simple ideas that we all can do helps with reducing our carbon footprint overall.
Start thinking about what you are do as well as teach your children what they can do as well.
When we all work together, we have a better life and save the planet just a little, one person at a time.

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